The village is a medium, respectable town known for its vineyards and brewery's. Brewing wines and ales is the main industry but there are some tiny farms in the neighboring countryside. The town is best known for a the Lone Coach Inn. An Inn located up in a large oak tree. The Inn is in the shape of a coach. There are many stories about the the Inn and how a large coach has gotten up in the tree. In reality the Inn was built in the shape of a coach for tourist trade.
Population: 2,038, Size: 32 acres
Wealth: 305,700 gp. Max value for sale: 673 gp. Max pawn value: 3,567 gp
Demographics: Human (69%), Dwarf (12%), Elf (7%), Halfling (6%), Half-Orc (3%), Gnome (2%), Half-Elf (1%)
Industry & Trade
Vineyards, Brewery
Location under
Characters in Location