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Oaken Keep

Once a grand keep built at the entrance of the Wound. It is the first line of defense against the horde of of denizen of the underdark. Adventures flock to the keep to seek glory and riches at the bottom of the Wound. A small battelion of the Crimson Brigade hold the keep and organize adventuring parties down into the Wound to clear out the ranks of denizens. With so many adventurers and want to be heros the keep has become a powder keg. Order is barely kept by the Crimson Brigade, even with their few numbers. Population: 2,297, Size: 70 acres Demographics: Human (76%), Halfling (9%), Elf (5%), Dwarf (3%), Gnome (2%), Half-Elf (1%), Half-Orc (1%), Dragonborn (1%), Tiefling (1%), Tabaxi (1%)


  • Oaken Keep
Military, Base
Owning Organization
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