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The one of largest port cities in Wesmore. All trade of one kind or another pass through Olurias. Across the strait from Olurias lies its sister city Coavis. In ancient times these cities were home to grand battles and each side tried to take control of the other. Bloodlines and families are mingled throughout history but there is still animosity between the cities. People from Coavis believe those from Olurias are low breed and thieves as from people from Olurias claim people from Coavis are greedy and stuck up. Olurias is ruled by Lord Rustwell, a younger lord from the exalted family from Coavis. He cares little for the "dirty thieves" of Olurias. Streets are packed with vendors and hawkers selling anything and everything. Ships wait for days to unload their merchandise anchored in the bay. Young men from the fields have come looking for work with the promise of coins. Space is limited and valuable and has caused many arguments and a few violent acts. The price of a place to sleep is a high premium and many places are renting out the floor for space. Only within the last 2 decades has the commerce exploded with such fever. Not all that wealth is trickling down. The higher class are enjoying the never ending flow of gold. The lesser folk are scraping by and leaving on what little they can find. Angry, starving mobs have recently formed in squares throughout the city but are quickly and brutally dealt with by the higher class.   Population: 11,782, Size: 380 acres Demographics: Human (46%), Elf (37%), Halfling (7%), Dwarf (6%), Half-Elf (2%), Gnome (1%), Half-Orc (1%)
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