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Trosa is a decent size port town, but not one of the major trading ports. With a small bay enclosure which can be chained off. Small sea vessels find this port a haven where the bigger ships are too large to enter the small bay. Mostly returning local merchants and sailors make their port here and raise their families here. The town prides themselves on the clean and safe little town and wishes to keep it that way. Strangers are welcomed for a time but are closely watched. They spend their coin and then need to leave. If you became too much trouble they will ask you leave or one might find themselves chained to a boulder in the middle of the bay if rumors are true. Mayor Brenshon is well liked and respected among the townsfolk and the merchants. He is called on often to handle disputes between the merchants. His judgement his respected by both sides and usually both sides walk away happy with the deal.   Population: 10,108, Size: 306 acres Demographics: Human (49%), Halfling (39%), Elf (8%), Dwarf (1%), Gnome (1%), Half-Elf (1%), Half-Orc (1%)


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