Snezhnaya Varsity Teams

The Snezhnaya Varsity Teams are an array of teams that competed in national competitions in Russia for the Snezhnaya Dorm and Class.   They consist of a wide array of teams for various sports, including fencing, archery, martial arts, basketball, netball, and football - among others. While officially called the Snezhnaya Varsity Teams, they are commonly known to the student populace as the Fatui - which is also the name that the teams would use in competitions as well. The name came from the fact that the members of the Snezhnaya Student Council, called the Fatui Harbingers, were usually also captains of one of the varsity teams.   In the Snezhnaya Dorm and Class, there is only one team. For the purposes of competitions, Teyvat Academy is included in the Federal subject of Moscow.


In Russia, there are 5 competitions:  
The Qualifiers are an individual sport competition only. For individual sports, schools are counted separately from teams and schools can enter multiple teams into the qualifiers. Each team will then enter twenty competitors into the competition. Each school holds its qualifiers on their own grounds and results are submitted to the National School Sports Agency.   During the qualifiers, the twenty competitors on each team will compete against one another so that, in the end, only ten competitors from each team the school enters into the national competition will remain. The ten winning competitors from each team will then go on to compete in the Municipals.  
For individual sports, the ten competitors of a team that passed the qualifiers will then go on to compete against the teams of other schools in their municipal district. Individual sports that consist of one-on-one matches (fencing, martial arts, etc) will not have competitors compete against those from the same team, but they may compete against other teams from the same school. For example, if a school enters Teams A, B, and C into a competition, competitors from Team A will not compete against others from Team A but may compete with those from Team B. All competitors are also ranked individually, not as a team. The top forty competitors in each municipal district will proceed to the Federal Subjects. All competitors who pass receive a small trophy, and a medal for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.   For sports consisting of one-on-one matches, no medals are awarded. Ranking for one-on-one sports is merely determined by the order of which competitor came out as the victor of their final match first. Matches are timed and the times of each match are added up, with the winning competitors being ranked in order of shortest to longest time. The top forty of these competitors pass on to the Federal Subjects.   For team-based sports (football, netball, basketball, etc), the Municipals are the first competition. Each school will enter as many teams as they wish into the competition, and each team will compete against the teams of the other schools in their municipal district. Teams may compete against other teams from the same school, and the top twenty teams in a municipal district will proceed to the Federal Subjects. All teams who pass into the Federal Subjects will receive a small trophy.   Ranking for team sports is merely determined by the order of which team came out as the victor of their final match first. Matches are timed and the times of each match are added up, with the winning competitors being ranked in order of shortest to longest time. The top twenty of these competitors pass on to the Federal Subjects.  
Federal Subjects
For individual sports, the top forty competitors from each municipal district will compete against the other municipal districts in the same federal subject. Unlike in the Municipals, competitors may compete with others from the same team if the sport is a one-on-one sport. All competitors are ranked individually. The top twenty competitors from each federal subject will proceed to the Federal Districts. All competitors who pass into the Federal Districts will receive a small trophy, and a medal for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.   For sports consisting of one-on-one matches, no medals are awarded. Ranking for one-on-one sports is merely determined by the order of which competitor came out as the victor of their final match first. Matches are timed and the times of each match are added up, with the winning competitors being ranked in order of shortest to longest time. The top twenty of these competitors pass on to the Federal Districts.   For team-based sports, the top twenty teams from each municipal district will compete against the teams from the other municipal districts in the same federal subject. Similarly to the Municipals, competitors may compete against other teams from the same school if multiple teams from the same school make it into the Federal Subjects. The top ten teams from each federal subject will proceed to the Federal Districts. All teams who pass into the Federal Districts will receive a small trophy.   Ranking for team sports is merely determined by the order of which team came out as the victor of their final match first. Matches are timed and the times of each match are added up, with the winning competitors being ranked in order of shortest to longest time. The top ten of these competitors pass on to the Federal Districts.  
Federal Districts
For individual sports, the top twenty competitors from each federal subject will compete against the other federal subjects in the same federal district. Like in the Federal Subjects, competitors may compete with others from the same team if the sport is a one-on-one sport. All competitors are ranked individually. The top ten competitors from each federal district will proceed to the Nationals. All competitors who pass into the Nationals will receive a small trophy, and a medal for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.   For sports consisting of one-on-one matches, no medals are awarded. Ranking for one-on-one sports is merely determined by the order of which competitor came out as the victor of their final match first. Matches are timed and the times of each match are added up, with the winning competitors being ranked in order of shortest to longest time. The top ten of these competitors pass on to the Nationals.   For team-based sports, the top ten teams from each federal subject will compete against the teams from the other federal subjects in the same federal district. Similarly to the Federal Subjects, competitors may compete against other teams from the same school if multiple teams from the same school make it into the Federal Districts. The top five teams from each federal district will proceed to the Nationals. All teams who pass into the Nationals will receive a small trophy.   Ranking for team sports is merely determined by the order of which team came out as the victor of their final match first. Matches are timed and the times of each match are added up, with the winning competitors being ranked in order of shortest to longest time. The top five of these competitors pass on to the Nationals.  
  For individual sports, the top ten competitors from each region compete against the other regions. Same as in the Regionals, competitors may compete against others from the same team as them. Competitors are ranked individually and the competitors ranked 4th to 10th will receive a small trophy, while the 1st, 2nd and 3rd will receive larger trophies and a medal. For sports consisting of one-on-one matches, only competitors who rank 1st, 2nd, and 3rd receive trophies or medals.   For team sports, the top five teams from each region compete against the other regions. Same as in the other competitions, teams may compete against other teams from the same school. Teams ranked 1st, 2nd and 3rd will receive large trophies as well as medals and small trophies for each individual team member.

Members of the Fatui

  • Raiden Scaramouche
  • Zandik Kiaei
  • Rosalyn-Kruzchka Lohefalter
  • Pierro Vitalievich
  • Pantalone Yanovich
  • Katya Zorina
  • Teucer Childe
  • Tonia Childe
  • Katarina Snezhevna
  • Nikolay Snezhevich
  • Lyudochka Snezhevna
  • Trofin Snezhevich
  • Lyudmila Vasilievna
  • Mikhail Anatolievich
  • Ekaterina Savelievna


  • Ajax Childe (captain from September 2025 to July 2028)



  • Russia Schools' Archery Competition 2027-2028 Season - Municipals: 4th place (Ajax Childe)
  • Russia Schools' Archery Competition 2027-2028 Season - Federal Subjects: 9th place (Ajax Childe)
  • Russia Schools' Archery Competition 2027-2028 Season - Federal Districts: 7th place (Ajax Childe)
  • Russia Schools' Archery Competition 2027-2028 Season - Nationals: 3rd place (Ajax Childe)
Entertainment, Sports team
Alternative Names
Fatuus (pl. Fatui)
Parent Organization
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