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NetherVerse Pantheon

In the alternate timeline the pantheons of gods were defeated in the Great Apocalypse and the more powerful villains became the NetherVerse defacto gods.

Lime Stern was unwittingly made immortal when he attempted to psyphon the power from the gods. He became Emil Nrets and is responsible for the holes in the Dream State.

Dr. Mandibarch returned from the Mech Plane after the Great Apocalypse to find the gods defeated and set about logging and dissecting every creature in the NetherVerse. His first act with his new godly power was to absorb the NetherVerse Mageneticist and take his ability to affect genetics, becoming The Machine .

Rozgud melded with his two siblings during the Great Apocalypse and became Ciagdoth , Lord Of The Demons
. When this happened, each of them had to splice themselves from any goodness, which became their own entities.

Crimm Baphra, without the hindrince of the gods or the heroes, went on to absorb the world's Dragons, including the 5-headed Dragon goddess, to become Tiamaphra.v


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