
Limestone is a widespread sedimentary rock used for construction materials across Felora and Galisea. It has been used for most of known history, though the methods involved have been varied by region and evolved over time.   Using tunnels and caves not abandoned by the Felorans since their wars against the Delvöth to gain access to both new and known deposits, limestone mining in the Sarendian Trust has increased tenfold in the last century, and is the bedrock of the economy of the city of Èrintrel.


Material Characteristics

The color of the limestone depends on the other sediments in the mixture besides the mineral calcite, which is white; impurities such as sand, clay, and organic material are also present in limestone and affect the color. It can be chalky or dense, smooth or rough.

Geology & Geography

Limestone is widely available in many regions, however it's accessibility varies. In some locations, it is exposed to the surface and open-pit mines (quarries) are used to extract the stone. In other locations, it is underneath several meters of soil and potentially hundreds of meters of other rock types. The most difficult to access is in shallow ocean waters, though techniques have been developed by the adept mining societies of the world, and to ocean-dwelling societies it is not difficult in the slightest.

Origin & Source

Limestone is made when living organisms such as oysters and clams die and their shells and bones get broken down by the water's waves, where it then settles on the seafloor. Over millions of years, this sediment is compacted into limestone.


Trade & Market

The Miner's Guild of Sarendia controls the most limestone mining operations and quarries out of any organisation in Felora. It is a staple resource for the Felorans, who routinely exhausted their known deposits faster than they could find new ones at the height of their Empire's power.
Variable, but generally light coloured, grey through yellow
Common State
Sedimentary Deposits
Related Locations