
Vanadzor is a Nimearan fortress and town on the outskirts of the Kingdom, less than a day's journey to the Nabari Plateau and the lands inhabited by the Aarum. It is considered the last place to prepare for the hostile environment ahead, or the first place of safety when leaving it.


Most of the population is Nimearan, with approximately 30% being halflings and the rest being human, with a notable community of Cyrenic Dwarves and even a couple Aerie of Nabiu refugees. Most of the population works in the fields outside the core of the city, while a sizeable merchant and skilled labour class keeps the city's hospitality, travel, and smithing industries running. At the top of the social ladder and the smallest group are the Ashvetist clergy and noblity.


All residents of the city may vote in local elections for the mayor and council as well as run for mayor. To run for a seat on the council, one must own property within the city and reside in it for the majority of the year. The Kingdom is represented in the city's government through a Royal Advisor chosen by the reigning monarch, who can strike down decisions made by the city when in conflict with the Monarch.


Aside from the geographical location, the city's defenses are the main draw. The earliest fortications date back to the Ancient Kingdom. The Kingdom had allowed the fortifications to languish until The Aarumite Migration, which forced the kingdom to fund reconstruction and reinforcment of the walls around the city, new guard towers, and a permanent garrison. The monarch of Nimeara appoints a general to command the city's garrison, on the advice of the council and mayor.


The settlement known as Vanadzor has been inhabited throughout known history. Pre-Din migration artifacts and folk tales mention the outpost, unnamed, but in the geographical location of modern Vanadzor.   The settlement became a city with the granting of a Royal Charter from Queen Christine I, which created a self-governing council, an elected mayor, and an appointed representative of the Queen to resolve disputes and speak in her absence.   Vanadzor was overrun during the Campaigns of Bolverk, and the current King Aghavni, has committed to modernising the fortifications of the city, which has grown beyond the original fortress walls.
Map of the Kingdom of Nimeara (Modern)
Founding Date
1560 (Royal Charter granted)
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization

Cover image: Grasmere From The Rydal Road by Francis Town