Second Vöthar-Fèloran War

Military action


Puji Grazzdrook Nilmalets refuses to pay tribute or swear fealty to the Stewardship, and kills the emissaries sent to force the deal, launching the second war between the Vöth and the Felorans.

The second continental expansion began with the annexation of outposts and settlements of the Vöth in the foothills of the Tèlbraì Mountains. Emperor Thaelin Èrintrèlis II orders the annexation of these towns and attempts to secure tribute through the sending of envoys deeper into the Vöthar Ùshel. When the bloody tatters of the envoy's robes are received in the Imperial Court, Thaelin declares that the state's goal is vengeance. The war ends indecisively with many territories changing hands throughout the decades, and both sides being forced to call off fighting through an armistice, out of the necessity to repair and rebuild.

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