Drysi Nychton Character in Ghanwyss | World Anvil
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Drysi Nychton

Woods Walker Drysi Nychton (a.k.a. Nychton)

Nychton was raised to be a woods walker, those in the druidic clan who leave to traverse the world, protecting sacred areas of land. He doesn't have friends back at the clan, merely acquaintances and family. His parents are nearing the end of their lives, so soon he must be on his return home for their departure, but until he gets word that it is their last days he continues his journey of protection.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Broad-shouldered, but leaned and well-muscled.

Body Features

He has the branding of his clan, a crow in flight above to crossed spears, on his right forearm. He also bears a near 3-foot scar across his torso that looks freshly healed. He refuses to talk of its origin.

Facial Features

Angular, Sculpted and stunning cheekbones.

Identifying Characteristics

His branding is on his right shoulder. His unnaturally deep purple hair always braided - freshly braided every 2 days - with flowers and leaves intertwined.

Physical quirks

Without thinking, he will rub along the scar on his torso, over his clothes.

Special abilities


Apparel & Accessories

those tuxedo suits with tails? That style but with armour made of natural things :)

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

child teenager adult vagrant :)

Gender Identity

He does not label how he identifies- for he does not know. What he does know is that his pronouns are okay, and that he is comfortable wearing anything at all.


They haven't had the time nor care to explore their sexual preferences. He may have fooled around with whoever he was travelling with but did not actively seek sexual encounters.



Militant :)


Unemployed since saving the babe :)

Accomplishments & Achievements

Saving someone then getting disowned :)

Failures & Embarrassments

Saving someone then getting disowned :P

Mental Trauma


Intellectual Characteristics


Morality & Philosophy



the scar and sex life SWEARING

Personality Characteristics


To protect sacred land. protection is hs overall motivation, however protecting the sacred areas of nature is his purpose.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

im level 4 i scuk at everything rn especially typing :)   and this dick

Likes & Dislikes

nature bitches   work it out

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws

yes maybe

Personality Quirks

:) yes




Contacts & Relations

Druidic clan that disowned me :( the party ig

Family Ties

They in the clan so forceably had to disown me sadge

Religious Views

nature is god y'all


baymax if he was human

Hobbies & Pets

animal friendos? not rn but we want a pet


robot like without the robot

Wealth & Financial state


A Middle-aged Firbolg, who was part of the militant branch of their druidic clan and spends time travelling the continents to protect sites of sacred nature. At this point, he's been travelling for the most part of a century.

View Character Profile
lawful Good
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Woods Walker
224 years old
Date of Birth
17th of Dairtall 1048
Current Residence
Lime green
Deep purple
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Charcoal grey
247 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
none rn
Known Languages
Common, Giant, Elvish, Sylvan

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26th of Sausol
26th of Sausol, 1272

We met with Count Peranza today, he gave us each 70 gold and gave me an ornate bow, that had a rune on the handle that has since been etched into the back of my right hand. We then went to the Glade again to visit the people who dwell there and Dlowyd was nowhere in sight, presumably grieving understandably in his tent. I handed Vaemocalwyr 10 gold to give to Dlowyd, I guess to help me cope with my feelings, I'm still not over the fact that V might still be alive. We then went to the Queen in the Thicket for payment, and she gave us Story fruit as she called them. They allow us divine, is what I've gathered. I gave mine to Francis as compensation for using his likeness while in the glades. We've set off again by 9 am, for another few days.

25th of Sausol
25th of Sausol, 1272

After we arrived in Gygraw, we were approached by two guards who claimed to have a job from Count Peranza. They gave us a job of 'disposing' of two woods walkers who had passed through, Rethlyt and Dlowyd- who happened to be the younger brother of my former woods walker companion. We turned down the job, but as we were discussing it an elf - Vaemocalwyr - who gave us another set of events - that Rethlyt was actually killed, as was the count, but resurrected and now Dlowyd was in a stage of vengeance grief. Once hearing the second point of view, we proceeded to take the 'job' and investigated the hag abandoned shack. It wasn't a nice sight, but Francis found a hidden brick in the chimney and opened a door to a demiplane, which contained the hags possessions and where Tesse's dark secret was revealed. I feel sorry for her, but I'm glad that the rest of our companions have not turned on her and seem to view her the same as before. She got extremely shook by an illusion she saw in the hags cauldron, I barely caught her before she hit the floor. Regardless, we found what we needed and decided to split the party to diplomatically solve the issue between the count and Dlowyd. Tesse and Francis went to see the Count while myself, MorningStar and Levi went to see the woods walker. It was weird seeing him again, I last saw him when he was much younger and it's easy to see the similarities between him and his brother. Not a day goes by where I miss Viobran, but I also can't say that I completely regret my decision, but I asked Dlowyd if he had lost anyone else and he only mentioned his grandparents, not Viobran. I remember how devastated he was when it happened. But V might still be alive, is that possible? Could he be? If he is, I don't quite know how to feel. But she was so helpless, she deserved a chance, I just wish that we both saw it the same way. I had disguised myself as Francis so that Dlowyd didn't recognise me. We managed to eventually settle on an agreement and the count and Dlowyd met in our carriage at midnight. They came to a peaceful arrangement and we were told to meet the Count the next day for payment. Today has rocked me full of emotion, I just hope the next few days of travelling allow me to calm down.

The first week of travel
25th of Sausol, 1272

Barely anything has happened this week, but I did have a wonderful discussion with Pelat and Byrod about how they found each other. They met when Pelat had an unfortunate accident causing his back to break, leaving him in a wheelchair, but Byrod saved him and they have fallen in love. It's quite endearing, I admit, makes me wonder if I will ever find something like that. I'm already in the middle of my lifetime, most of the clan members would be married by this age, bearing children for the next generation. I asked them what love was like, and Pelat was kind enough to tell me this: Love is sometimes natural, or it can be a choice. It's enjoying someone's company without feeling drained or pushing through the bull-excrement that a connection with them may cause and finding it is worth it. It's a wonderful thing. I am happy for them. I wish I can have that someday. We also got stopped just outside of Gygraw, and having to hide Tesse quickly was quite stressful, but she was fine. I'm glad, seen as they went into our carriage. Other than that, nothing else happened this week.

19th of Sausol, 1272
19th of Sausol, 1272

We dealt with the sewer monster contract today. I don't rightly know what it was, however, there were two corpses already down there when we went down the sewers. One of the corpses arose again, looking quite deathly and attacked my good friend Morningstar. I soon put an end to them after Levi had attacked it, with two simple arrows to the head. We then collected our bounty and prepared for our journey, going to meet the merchants and travellers who were also to be on the convoy. The pyrate captain was to lead us to pyrate haven, and we met him first. We then met a Kobold named Fumora who was an engineer working on the bridges we would pass. there was an elven wizard named Cirthise Valisovar, a travelling musician called Frasellope Blanca, two hill dwarven husbands called Pelat and Byrod Zandrin who are travelling merchants who look quite happy together. We met even more people too. The married couple leading the convoy is called Matias and Daniella Caban, who kindly gave me a silk bedroll to sleep on the floor of the carriage. there is a historian named Gunter Ashkoll, a Tiefling named Lachley Weston and a, so far, mysterious fancy-looking woman. We learnt some wonderful facts from Gunter, like that the first king of Lisolan was a huge flirt, there is a feywild wine with so many drugs that no mortal has made a full list, and that the current record of dragons is only a fifth of what there was three centuries ago - so saddening. But we soon went on our way, travelling to a town called Gygraw, about 5 days travel away.

18th of Sausol, 1272
18th of Sausol, 1272

I went for a lovely walk this morning, quite peaceful to wander the streets of a new city. I did go back to the room before we met up with our companions at 10 am, just to make sure that Tesse was fine, even though I know that logically speaking she is more than capable of taking care of herself. We went back to the metalworkers to collect Tesse's new weapon, a Messer, before going to the Queen. Upon meeting the Queen, Levi handed her a rather immaculate looking ceremonial plate made from the Silver scale of a dragon that was encrusted with jewels. The queen then informed us of the job she wishes us to undertake. The pyrates that attacked us on the way here have been more than enough trouble for the people of cleabar and have scared them into barely leaving their homes. She has not found a worthy person in her repertoire that she is willing to put at risk so she has enlisted our help to take down this dastardly group of bandits. We are to pose on a merchant convoy that will go to Chovozi, where we are to meet the captain of the guard who is a spy for the Queen. She had also sent a sorcerer to investigate- Ainar Disaris- who has not returned. Once we have spoken to the Guard captain, we are then to head to the pyrate hideout, then infiltrate and dispose of this group however we see fit. The ship leaves tomorrow at 5 pm, so we do not have long to prepare. In return for us performing this act, she has offered us different rewards. For myself I chose 20 platinum pieces that I can split between Tesse and myself, to give us ample means to survive, as well as two other things I shall not mention in case she dare find my journal. I do not wish for her to know what I have asked for. We then went to the university to ask about the third job we had picked up from the notice board, ruin delvers, and asked about information for that.

17th of Sausol, 1272
17th of Sausol, 1272

After finding a place to stay the night, we were informed that the Queen has requested our presence tomorrow. So we set about finding some work before the audience with the Queen. We went to the metal worker to get a weapon for Tesse, as she was only using a dagger and that simply couldn't do, but in the fight yesterday she handled herself wonderfully, it was inspiring to see her so nimble considering the state I had found her in only a few months ago. We then proceeded to find the local notice board, which had a few jobs for us to take up. Today we only completed two out of the four we collected from the board. The first was a missing cat, which my particular beast conversational skills came in handy. A cat had gone missing from their home and the previous owner was worried, however, we found the cat- aptly named mittens after their white sock-like fur- quite happy outside with the previous owner's sister and chose to stay with her. Of course, the previous owner was not pleased but it is my duty to keep nature and animals safe. Our second job was a bounty, on a retired pirate called one-hand Holloway. He was retired and in his early 50's, has been evading the city guards for many years. we soon found him in the shantytown, in a small shack with his 2 sons who were rather surprised by our intrusion. arresting Holloway was rather easy, he didn't get to run far before Francis created a net and caught him for good. Morningstar then shackled him and we took the criminal to the city guards, then once again went to the tavern and stayed the night before our meeting with the Queen at noon tomorrow.

16th of Sausol, 1272
16th of Sausol, 1272

We were travelling on the airship, the Soigne Unicorn, to Cleabar. Just as we were beginning to sleep we felt the ship go into a sudden descent and chose to investigate. It turns out pyrates had boarded the ship in an attempt to rob it, believing it was the convoy of some "fatcat money man", as we later learned from the pyrate captain. We fought valiantly, succeeding in our mission to defeat the pyrates, who had ogre ballista men and two ships harpooned to the sides of the Soigne Unicorn. Upon needing to defeat the ogre ballista as the last threat to our livelihoods, Prince Obaaz Ebyvarr arrived on his Wyvern to aid us, claiming his mother- the Queen- had had a vision of myself and Tesse, as well as the three companions we had gained in the fight. Once the ogres had been defeated, we found the pyrate captain in the captain quarters, yelling about some kind of set-up, and the Unicorn's captain claiming he had a debt to pay off. He soon decided to drop us in Cleabar and flee as soon as his passengers had departed his aircraft. This mismatched band of beings we have found ourselves in consists of myself and Tesse, a Tiefling named Morningstar Von Morrow and her bodyguard, a human called Francis Deregne and finally a noble half-elf named Levi Dracos.


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