Woods Walker Drysi Nychton | World Anvil

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Woods Walker Drysi Nychton

Lawful Good Firbolg (Outlander)
Arcane Archer 10
72 / 94 HP

A Middle-aged Firbolg, who was part of the militant branch of their druidic clan and spends time travelling the continents to protect sites of sacred nature. At this point, he's been travelling for the most part of a century.

26th of Sausol 1272
26th of Sausol, 1272

26th of Sausol

by Woods Walker Drysi Nychton

We met with Count Peranza today, he gave us each 70 gold and gave me an ornate bow, that had a rune on the handle that has since been etched into the back of my right hand. We then went to the Glade again to visit the people who dwell there and Dlowyd was nowhere in sight, presumably grieving understandably in his tent. I handed Vaemocalwyr 10 gold to give to Dlowyd, I guess to help me cope with my feelings, I'm still not over the fact that V might still be alive. We then went to the Queen in the Thicket for payment, and she gave us Story fruit as she called them. They allow us divine, is what I've gathered. I gave mine to Francis as compensation for using his likeness while in the glades. We've set off again by 9 am, for another few days.

Drysi's Journal Ordered oldest to newest

  1. 16th of Sausol, 1272
    16th of Sausol, 1272
  2. 17th of Sausol, 1272
    17th of Sausol, 1272
  3. 18th of Sausol, 1272
    18th of Sausol, 1272
  4. 19th of Sausol, 1272
    19th of Sausol, 1272
  5. The first week of travel
    25th of Sausol, 1272
  6. 25th of Sausol
    25th of Sausol, 1272
  7. 26th of Sausol
    26th of Sausol, 1272

The major events and journals in Drysi's history, from the beginning to today.

Level 9

i leveled up bro

26th of Sausol 1272


idk when this happened lol

26th of Sausol 1272

26th of Sausol

We met with the Count today, he gave us each 70 gold and gave me an ornate bow, that had a rune on the handle that has since been etched into the back of my right hand. We then went to the Glade again to visit the people who dwell there and Dlowyd was now...

11:01 pm - 29.09.2021

25th of Sausol

After we arrived in Gygraw, we were approached by two guards who claimed to have a job from the Count Penis. They gave us a job of 'disposing' of two woods walkers who had passed through, Rethlyt and Dlowyd- who happened to be the younger brother of my f...

10:54 pm - 29.09.2021

i have a stroy fruit :0

25th of Sausol 1272

plus 1 bow babeeeeeeeey attuned too beech just learned im left handed :)

25th of Sausol 1272

I just got 70gp :)

25th of Sausol 1272

The first week of travel

Barely anything has happened this week, but I did have a wonderful discussion with Pelat and Byrod about how they found each other. They met when Pelat had an unfortunate accident causing his back to break, leaving him in a wheelchair, but Byrod saved him...

10:13 pm - 07.09.2021

19th of Sausol, 1272

We dealt with the sewer monster contract today. I don't rightly know what it was, however, there were two corpses already down there when we went down the sewers. One of the corpses arose again, looking quite deathly and attacked my good friend Morningsta...

09:59 pm - 07.09.2021

Now Level 5

I feel like I can attack twice in 6 seconds now. huh. that's cool I guess.

18th of Sausol 1272

Hol up, what was with them counterfeit coins the other day?

18th of Sausol 1272

18th of Sausol, 1272

I went for a lovely walk this morning, quite peaceful to wander the streets of a new city. I did go back to the room before we met up with our companions at 10 am, just to make sure that Tesse was fine, even though I know that logically speaking she is mo...

11:15 pm - 27.08.2021

17th of Sausol, 1272

After finding a place to stay the night, we were informed that the Queen has requested our presence tomorrow. So we set about finding some work before the audience with the Queen. We went to the metal worker to get a weapon for Tesse, as she was only usin...

10:58 pm - 27.08.2021

16th of Sausol, 1272

We were travelling on the airship, the Sologne Unicorn, to Cleabar. Just as we were beginning to sleep we felt the ship go into a sudden descent and chose to investigate. It turns out pyrates had boarded the ship in an attempt to rob it, believing it was...

10:43 pm - 27.08.2021

i killed 3 beings :)

16th of Sausol 1272

I got to bed

16th of Sausol 1272

must protec babee

03:22 pm - 08.07.2021

The list of amazing people following the adventures of Drysi.