The Troll Wars

Military: War


Trolls Almost Destroy Cragsheim

King Zhaung Dwarf Flayer banded the troll tribes together to wage war on the nearby Dwarven clans. They were hugely successful, and it was only the intervention of Corynthe and Osterholm that turned the tide back against the trolls.   The trolls attacked Castle Khozad (King Zhuan ) and Cragsheim (King Marrow Cracker) simulataneously. Overwhelming Castle Khozad, Zhuan pushed on to destroy Mount Silver. The force at Cragheim met more restistance and were bogged down.   Zhuan led his remaining forces to Cragsheim to complete the conquest, but the Cragsheim dwarves were entrenched. This provided enough time for Corythe to send significant troops to destroy the trolls. The tide turned at Cragsheim, and additional support from Osterholm provided manpower to rout the remaing troll armies   Bridgehugger Truce: High Priest Calys proposes a system of bridge guarding for the few remaining trolls. They accept in humiliation, but have honored the agreement.

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