History of Ghor

  • 0

    Magreth Blesses Ghor

    In the beginning, Ghor was naught but rocks and lava. But when Magreth arrived she smiled upon the land - and opened a gate to let the races of Ghor in.   She transformed the land to watery rivers, sometimes green fields, a place where various creatures could thrive, or murder, or exist in squallor.   Creatures poured through the gate for 100 years and spread to all the corners of Ghor. Magreth, in her ultimate wisdom, closed the gate after those 100 years had passed. She returns to Ghor once every 1000 years and reviews the status of her creation.

  • 100

    Magreth Closes the Gate
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 443

    Cult of Margulis Founded

    The Prophet Margulis preaches the Hastening

  • 1000

    The First Return - The Oozing
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Perhaps seeing a gap in her ecology, Magreth introduces various semi-sentient Oozes, Molds, and Puddings. Considered a huge boon to sanitation efforts in many environments, The Oozing is celebrated every year by most cultures by serving a gelatine like pudding or similar item based on each culture.

  • 1756

    Demons Invade Ghor

    A series of gates open releasing hundreds of thousands of demons and devils into Ghor. They immediately enslave every creature they find, and rule the land until the Second Return.

  • 2000

    The Second Return - Deveilsbane
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Devils and Fiends have enslaved most of Ghor by the second return of Magreth, led by their king, Orcus. All were promptly banished to Hell.

  • 2009


    The Calm of Ghor
    Era beginning/end

    An age of cooperation amongst non-evil races of Ghor.

    More reading
    The Calm of Ghor
  • 3000

    The Third Return - The Rising
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Magreth summons Risendeep from the depths.

  • 3587


    Fall of Thracia

    Prolonged assault from Orc armies destroy the Kingdom of Thracia.

    More reading
    Kingdom of Thracia
  • 4000

    The Fourth Return - Age of Dragon
    Celestial / Cosmic

    Magreth brings dragons to Ghor.

  • 5000

    The Fifth Return
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 6000

    The Sixth Return
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 6739

    Kingdom of Westhavia Founded

  • 7000

    The Seventh Return
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 7144

    Kingdom of Khopti Founded

  • 7811

    Kingdom of Osterholm Founded

  • 7815

    Tower of Amin bar Haqaz Destroyed
    Military action

    Lord Strahan destroys the Tower of Amin bar Haqaz

  • 8000

    The Eighth Return
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 8378

    Kingdom of Corynthe Founded

  • 8566

    Greater Westhavia Formed

    Westhavia, Osterholm, Corynthe, and Khopti form a united kingdom across the land. Work on the Kings Road begins to facilitate trade between the kingdoms.

  • 8809


    The Rise of Gruumnsh
    Life, Career

    The Prophesies of Gruumnsh

  • 9000

    Ninth Return of Magreth
    Celestial / Cosmic

  • 9013

    Fall of Khopti

    Khopti Falls to Orc Hordes

  • 9121


    Idriss's Wall Built
    Construction beginning/end

    A wall built by the great Mage Idriss to contain the orcs of the Kingdom of Axes.

  • 9513


    The Troll Wars
    Military: War

    Trolls Almost Destroy Cragsheim

  • 9561

    Rubies Run Out

    All known sources of ruby gemstones are exhausted due to massive demand from the kingdom of Westhavia.

  • 9620

    Present Day aka The Spanking

  • 10000

    10th Return of Magreth
    Celestial / Cosmic