
Dulcimer was born in the underground city of Crawlspace. A parasite demon-goblin hybrid by birth, he grew up there alongside other parasite demons. While Dulcimer felt a strong kinship for his fellow demonoids, he felt ostracized because of his mixed race. His skin tone ranges light yellow to purple with discoloration and blotches, complete with a hardened carapace on his back and shoulders, which led others to assume he was some sort of half breed or mutant. As a result, he became isolated from the rest of the community due to his appearance. Dulcimer was a bully to the weaker members of the community—particularly those who couldn't fight back, like children or the elderly. This behavior continued even into adulthood, but when Dulcimer reached puberty, he was banished from Crawlspace. The community elders thought that leaving him to mature might change him, but the young hybrid never changed and became worse than ever. In an attempt to find acceptance, Dulcimer took his anger out on the innocent, particularly anyone who didn't accept him for what he was. He would beat them senseless or use hammers to inflict terrible wounds upon them. He eventually began to enjoy tormenting people and hurting those he felt were weak and undeserving of life. The residents of Crawlspace finally decided to abandon the tunnels and move elsewhere, taking all of Dulcimer's belongings along with them. He lived in isolation for many years before deciding to travel into the world aboveground to seek retribution against those who had abandoned him. After years of traveling, Dulcimer found himself in the hidden monster refuge town of Boogey Hollow.
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