
Cosmic God of Messengers

Eshu (a.k.a. Xural)

Eshu, in his divine bumbling, is akin to a celestial used car salesman, the kind who somehow ends up deeper in debt with every rust bucket he peddles off the lot. While being a spiritual vessel for the Cosmic God of Messengers, he longs for an avatar to rest his essence. He uses what power he does have to masquerade as a false Cosmic God of Death, known as "Xural" for Wilson Fipes' cult. However, each deal he strikes, each lie he spins, adds another layer of cosmic debt to his ledger, yet he can't seem to stop himself. Like a magician who's forgotten the secrets to his own tricks, he bluffs his way through divine negotiations and mortal pleas.   As "Xural," Eshu is less the harbinger of doom and more a desperate actor in a farce too deep to escape. He's selling power, curses, and blessings with a slapdash paint job, hoping no one notices the engine's about to fall out. He gets these "bargains" from the actual God of Death, Inpu Wapwawet, and tries to buy his way out of this mystical debt with more souls from The Followers of Xural. With each favor begged and bartered, Eshu digs his metaphysical hole deeper, all the while smiling with the nervous energy of a man who knows the proverbial wheels of his deal might come off at any second. He aims to escape this debt from Inpu by possessing Fipes' body and hiding in the mortal world.   In this chaotic cosmic economy, Eshu's ultimate aim to ascend as a deific avatar seems less like a master plan and more like a last-ditch effort to jump ship before his entire operation implodes. Watching Eshu navigate his divine duties is like watching someone try to assemble a jigsaw puzzle in a windstorm, pieces flying everywhere, and not a single one fitting where it's supposed to.
Xural Disguise
Divine Classification
Cosmic God
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