Deific Avatar

Deific Avatars are physical embodiments of Cosmic Gods, possessing a consciousness that is both individual and shared with their originating deities. They hold an omniscient understanding of the universe but act within the confines of their creators' intentions. Despite their immense knowledge, they typically remain indifferent to mortal affairs, intervening only when it serves their divine purposes. These avatars are the nexus between the celestial and the tangible, enacting the will of the gods in the physical realm.

Basic Information


Deific Avatars, as celestial constructs, exhibit a morphology that transcends typical biological frameworks. Each avatar's physical form is a unique amalgamation of ethereal and corporeal elements, often reflecting the deity’s associated domain or cultural symbolism.


Deific Avatars possess a consciousness that is both singular and collective, sharing thoughts and experiences with their originating deities. They exhibit an omniscient understanding of the universe but are bound by the intentions and limitations set by their creators. Despite their vast knowledge, they often display an indifference to mortal concerns unless it intersects with their divine objectives.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Each avatar operates independently but is inherently connected to its deity and other avatars of the same origin. They do not form conventional societies but can congregate if their agendas align. Their interactions are primarily driven by their divine missions rather than emotional or social needs. Though they operate independently, the Soul Archons exhibit a loose hierarchy based on power and domain. For instance, the prominence of moral corruption in the universe gives Darkwalker highest ranking, with Hickress in close second due to decay, and COGWHEEL in third due to the prevalence of industry and technology. As such, Hickress and COGWHEEL serve as Darkwalker's second and third in command, while enacting their own agendas.

Average Intelligence

Their intelligence is immeasurable by human standards. They possess an innate understanding of cosmic truths, the fabric of reality, and the esoteric knowledge of the universe. This makes them nearly unfathomable to mortal minds.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Their appearance is often associated with an ancient civilization, though they may be depicted in other ways depending on the culture.

Historical Figures

The deific avatar for Creation and ninth Soul Archon, Tiamulyar, concluded its existence through a unique act of self-sacrifice, an event that significantly impacted the cosmic order. This Archon, known for crafting life with inherent limitations, chose to annihilate itself by channeling its life-creating energy inwards, causing a paradoxical implosion. This act was not just a cessation of existence but a deliberate unravelling of its own divine essence.   The purpose behind this self-sacrifice was to initiate a cosmic rebalancing. Tiamulyar, having observed the complexities and struggles of the life forms it had made, decided to inject a new dynamic into the universe by removing its influence. This act served as a catalyst for change, forcing adaptation and evolution in ways previously unattainable under its direct influence.   The aftermath of this event left a void in the cosmic structure, altering the balance of power among the Soul Archons and affecting the very fabric of creation across the universe.

Common Myths and Legends

Myths and legends surrounding Deific Avatars are steeped in the cultures from which they emerge. Hickress, for instance, is deeply ingrained in Appalachian folklore as a haunting figure synonymous with decay and desolation. One fabled story, the "Moonlit Dance," speaks of Hickress summoning the spirits of the forest under a full moon, orchestrating a haunting ballet of shadows and ghostly figures. Those who stumbled upon this spectacle were said to be ensnared by his curse, forever bound to the forest's will.   The Myth of Kapa-Nui offers another vivid example. Revered as the "Universal God of Hellfire," Kapa-Nui's story is interwoven with the history of Moa, a city believed to have sunk into the ocean due to his wrath. This myth captures the essence of natural disasters, personified in Kapa-Nui's ability to erupt volcanoes and shape landmasses. The tale culminates in the people of Moa overcoming this divine force, symbolically capturing Kapa-Nui in a stone jar—a powerful metaphor for their resilience and the preservation of their culture in the face of catastrophe.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

The relationship between Deific Avatars, especially the Soul Archons, and a unique sect of Earthly monks illustrates a significant interspecies interaction. These monks, aware of the Archons' existence, forged a deep connection with them, believing they were enacting divine will through rituals influenced by psychoactive berries. Their devotion manifested in the construction of temples and adherence to the "Tenets of the Universe," principles they believed were imparted by the Archons.   This unique bond suggests that the Archons' power on Earth was, to some extent, sustained by the monks' belief and worship. As the sect dwindled, so did the Archons' influence, indicating a direct link between human devotion and the strength of these celestial entities. This relationship highlights a rare dynamic where human beliefs tangibly affected beings of cosmic power.
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