Larry Kyleth

(a.k.a. Larry the Flinty)

Larry Kyleth is more than a demon; he's an institution in the seedy, shadow-ridden world of supernatural crime. A Driknek Demon from a realm one might politely refer to as hellish, Kyleth didn't just claw his way to the top of the demonic criminal underworld—he ascended in vengeance that still leaves residual rage in his black heart. Now, he's embroiled in a gang war as savage as it is arcane, up against Frank Hooper, a man who's proving to be a formidable rival. But Kyleth isn't one to back down; relentlessness is written into his very sinews.   Physically, he's the stuff of nightmares—an imposing bulk of green scales that function as natural armor, rendering him near impervious to everything from bullets to spells. It's as if his flesh is woven from the very elements of the underworld, granting him a fortitude that would make any mob boss envious. He dresses in the fashion of a 1930s mobster; a sartorial choice that paradoxically fits and clashes with his demonic physique. His tailored suits stretch tautly over his bulging muscles, as if the fabric itself is straining to contain the malevolence within.   But don't mistake him for some brutish thug; Larry Kyleth's cunning is as sharp as the talons he could effortlessly use to eviscerate you. His mind is a labyrinth of schemes, and he's always five steps ahead—plotting, planning, calculating with the chilling precision of a demonic chess grandmaster. The man's got audacity, it's true; an inflated self-belief that would make Icarus think twice, but don't call it hubris. In Kyleth's case, it's warranted. His aura of invincibility isn't just posturing; it's a cruel reality for anyone who dares to cross him.   So, let this be a word to the wise: Larry Kyleth isn't just a kingpin in the supernatural underworld, he's a dark force to be reckoned with—a relentless entity whose reign of terror isn't ending anytime soon.
Current Status
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Green hardened skin with dark blemishes and warts.
300 lb
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