Frank Hooper

Frank Hooper (a.k.a. Sandman)

Frank Hooper has a peculiar position in the escalating landscape of paranatural occurrences in Ghostwood. Despite his involvement in many criminal activities, he is often mistaken as a key player in paranatural cases due to his underworld connections with demon gangs and other dark entities. Though he does have a foot in the door of the supernatural, he is more often than not a red herring for most cases. IPC agents have wasted countless resources surveilling him, only to find that his deeds, while criminal, rarely cross into the domain of the supernaturally malevolent.   He remains a notorious figure that the IPC can't quite pin down, complicating their investigations.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in the neglected fringes of Westonhood, Hooper's life was a relentless fight for survival. His early years were marred by a dysfunctional family life, where his abusive father would tell Frank that crime was out of necessity rather than choice. This harsh upbringing forged a man who viewed compassion as weakness and ruthlessness as virtue.   He began working as a bag man for his father when he was just twelve years old and killed his first victim at just fifteen. From there, the violence cascaded, with each act sending Hooper deeper into damnation.


As the unchallenged head of Hamptonville's crime syndicate, Hooper oversees a network of trafficking rings under his front known as Hooper Industries. His control extends beyond just owning The Red Lodge nightclub, but also several apartment buildings, convenience stores, and small businesses. Under his thumb, the northern corner of Hamptonville has become a nexus of nefarious deeds, attracting the darkest elements of society.

Mental Trauma

Hooper's violent upbringing from an abusive father who drew him into crime led to extreme paranoia and trust issues. He is haunted by memories of betrayal and fearing to lose those close to him.   He was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder in his late-teens, but he neglected to treat any of it and fell to drugs, which caused his psyche to manifest in unpredictable and often violent behavior.

Intellectual Characteristics

Despite his volatile nature, Hooper possesses a brilliant criminal mind. He is adept at reading people, a skill honed through years of navigating the treacherous waters the criminal underworld. His strategic acumen is evident in the way he has outmaneuvered rivals and law enforcement alike, maintaining a grip on his empire through fear and unpredictability.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Hooper's addiction to various substances is both a coping mechanism and a source of self-destruction.   His hotheadedness is the stuff of local underworld legend; many a deal has been blown up because Hooper didn't like the other party's tone. He's erratic and unpredictable, a wildcard who doesn’t play by the rules, not even the unspoken ones of the criminal underworld. Yet, this unpredictable nature is also what keeps his enemies hesitant and his allies loyal; they never know what he’s capable of next. His unpredictable mood swings, varying from cruel laughter to intense fury within seconds, keep even his most loyal henchmen on their toes.   His preference for huffing helium when he becomes infuriated, leading to a high-pitched voice during intense moments, is a bizarre juxtaposition to his intimidating persona and often disarms his adversaries, employees, and victims due to confusion.

Personality Quirks

Hooper has a habit of obsessively straightening his attire and compulsively cleaning his hands.   He also has a unique way of tilting his head slightly when making a point, giving him an almost birdlike demeanor.


Contacts & Relations

Frank Hooper is no mere thug; he is the mastermind behind the local organized crime syndicate that has its grimy fingers in nearly every illicit pie in Hamptonville.   Hooper's network is vast and varied, including corrupt politicians, law enforcement officers, and even some reluctant contacts within the IPC. His ties extend into the darker, esoteric corners, where he occasionally dabbles in dealings with demon gangs and other paranormal entities.   He is currently in a turf war with the demon kingpin Larry Kyleth, though he considers conflicts like this more opportunistic than a core part of his operations.

Family Ties

Of his surviving family, Hooper has methodically severed most ties with his blood relatives, seeing them as liabilities. Rumors suggest a strained relationship with a brother who tried and failed to steer clear of crime, and whispers of a child he refuses to acknowledge, possibly out of fear of exposing a vulnerability.


Hooper's movements are deliberate and controlled, exuding a calm demeanor that belies his volatile inner nature. His speech is often measured, punctuated by moments of intense emotion. In negotiations, he has a habit of maintaining unflinching eye contact, using it as a tool to unsettle and dominate his opponents.
Current Status
Current Location
Date of Birth
August 18
Year of Birth
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations
Related Documents: IPC Case File: CR-0314-FH
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