Levi Dante Carlo


Levi Dante Carlo (a.k.a. The Madman)

Levi Dante Carlo's journey from a brilliant, self-made inventor to the megalomaniac mastermind behind The Masquerade is a tale of tragedy and madness. Originally a man of remarkable intellect and determination, Levi built his industry and home from scratch, a testament to his formidable capabilities and vision. However, his life took a dark turn due to a series of catastrophic events that shattered his psyche.   First came a haunting, a spiritual possession that left an indelible mark on his mind, eroding his grip on reality. This was followed by an alien encounter, during which he was abducted and impregnated, leading to the birth of his half-alien son, Xander Dante Carlo. The psychological strain of these experiences was compounded by a severe fire accident, which inflicted not only physical scars but also deep mental trauma.   The final blow to Levi's sanity was the discovery of his wife's infidelity with Sinterklaus, resulting in the birth of his step-son, Jack Dante Carlo. This revelation, in conjunction with the preceding events, catalyzed a descent into madness. Levi's mental state fractured, leading him to believe he was the incarnation of the Antichrist. In a fit of rage and insanity, he murdered his wife and kidnapped his son, setting him on a path of tyranny and corruption.   Levi built an exo-suit with advanced cybernetic enhancements, giving him the ability to remotely control electronic devices, as well as super strength, durability, and flight. These enhancements made him formidable but also vulnerable, as seen when Aspberry Dante Carlo's electromagnetic pulse disrupts them. Levi also possesses a steadfast arcane knowledge. He is not merely a technologist but also a figure deeply entrenched in the quest for knowledge, be it scientific or magical as he attempts to gain power.   Levi's transformation into a megalomaniac was complete with the formation of The Masquerade, a group of malevolent individuals united in his goal to literalize his anti-Messianic delusions and end the world. He has used his vast skillset, inventions, and knowledge of the paranatural to organize and orchestrate various attacks throughout Ghostwood, gathering resources to change his body into a paranatural Hybrid.   The Fighter Five, consisting of his children, stands as a direct response to Levi's tyranny. This conflict with his children is deeply personal, rooted in a history of abuse and manipulation. Levi's actions have not only pitted him against his own flesh and blood but also against their collective resolve to thwart his schemes.


Levi Dante Carlo


Towards Heather Cheng

Heather Cheng


Towards Levi Dante Carlo

Supervillain Look
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The Madman
Current Status
Date of Birth
June 16
Heather Cheng (spouse)
Aligned Organization
Related Documents: IPC Case File: CR-0453-LC
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