Lonny Scratwum

Lonny Scratwum is a schmoozer in the demonic landscape—an Empath Demon addicted not to the gamble, but to the intoxicating emotional high he siphons from other addicts locked in the throes of their vice. It's as though he's mainlining the pure, uncut desperation of every gambler who's ever clung to the dying hope of a winning hand, a flickering slot machine, or a turning wheel. The rush is spiritual heroin for him, and he can't get enough.   Exceedingly sociable, Scratwum can be the life of the party, a radiant, charming figure who can engage you in conversation as easily as he could manipulate your emotions. But don't mistake his charisma for wisdom; the demon's got the decision-making skills of a moth drawn to a flame. It's a pitiable naiveté, a magnetic pull towards the very kinds of situations an entity of his talents should avoid.   His inevitable downfall came at the hands of one of Larry Kyleth's card dealers. A bad bet, a worse hand, and suddenly Scratwum found himself staring down a chasm of debt so deep he could glimpse Hell at its bottom—and maybe even wave at some old friends. Realizing the magnitude of his error, and the kind of infernal wrath that Kyleth could unleash, Scratwum did the one thing he's actually good at: he ran.   He fled to Boogey Hollow, a hidden alcove so mythical it might as well be a fairy tale to the human realm. It's the sort of place where a demon like Scratwum could lie low, invisible and forgotten. But Boogey Hollow is more than just a sanctuary; it's a place where the rules of the real world twist and contort, a place that might just offer a gambling empath demon one more shot at redemption—or damnation. Whichever comes first, Lonny Scratwum is betting it all.


Hobbies & Pets

Among the oddities that define Lonny Scratwum is his unbridled passion for the arts—specifically, musicals and jazz. When he's not at the gambling tables siphoning the emotional highs and lows of desperate souls, he can be found soaking in the musical notes of a jazz saxophonist or lost in the magical world of Broadway. He lives for high-style living, embracing a flair that would put a Gatsby party to shame. Scratwum dresses to impress, sips on the most exotic cocktails, and wouldn't be caught dead in anything less than five-star accommodations. His persona screams glamor and flamboyance, a stark contrast to the dark, sulky realms typically associated with demons. His apartment, wherever he manages to establish one, is a sanctuary adorned with Art Deco pieces, vintage vinyl records, and a collection of theater memorabilia that would make even the Phantom of the Opera envious. Even in his worst moments of desperate flight or crippling debt, Lonny Scratwum retains his taste for the finer things, a demon of culture in a world that often lacks it.
Current Status
Current Location
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue with dark patterned pigmentation
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