Orson Rogers


Orson Rogers (a.k.a. Big Brain)

Orson Rogers, known more commonly as Big Brain, is the product of a groundbreaking and ethically murky cross-breeding experiment led by Quentin Traust, facilitated by the Grey Treaty—a covert agreement aimed at fostering relations between Grey aliens and humanity. This experiment transformed Orson into a meta-human with an unparalleled psychic prowess. His mind operates like a cosmic supercomputer, able to process information and solve complex equations faster than any known technology. This gift of immeasurable intellect came with the unique boon of ageless immortality, a life unmarred by the decay of time.   However, this godlike mental ability came at a devastating cost. Orson's physical capabilities have been severely compromised, leaving him reliant on external aids for basic mobility and interaction with the world. His body has become little more than a vessel for his immense intellect, a cage of limitations that he cannot psychically overcome. This dichotomy between his boundless mind and frail body serves as a constant reminder of the unnatural circumstances that brought him into this state of existence.   Though he possesses the cognitive power to unlock the secrets of the universe, Orson—forever torn between his human roots and alien lineage—is a living testament to the perils and paradoxes of scientific overreach. His life poses an unsettling question: At what point does the pursuit of knowledge cross the line into an ethical abyss? For Orson, that line was crossed the moment he became Big Brain, forever trapping him in a physical shell that fails to match the grandeur of his intellectual capabilities.
Current Status
Alive (immortal), in IPC Containment
Aligned Organization
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