Background Career: Academic

Academic EDU 14 and INT 12 One who believes in always learning and tends to spend many years in Uni getting multiple PHDs. Need Masters degree   These classes qualify to enter this profession Must have at least 1 level:   Pathfinder Bard Alchemist Inquisitor Magus Oracle witch Arcanist Investigator Skald   Starfinder BIOHACKER MYSTIC TECHNOMANCER WITCHWARPER   D20 Smart Hero   PrC Loremaster Mystic Theurge Any INT-based PrC   Qualification: INT 10+ If EDU 14+ +2 to roll   DM -1 for every previous career  

Mustering Out

  Benefits roll 7: Age Reversal


Characters may obtain Tenure the first time they roll a decoration. When a professor obtains Tenure, they cannot fail their future enlistment rolls in this career specialty. Tenured professors who roll less than the number of terms they have served on their Advancement roll may continue in their career but with a –1 DM on all future Advancement rolls. This DM is cumulative if a professor continues to fail enlistment rolls.   Mishaps and failed Survival rolls can still cause a tenured professor to leave this career. Tenured Professors may not transfer to another specialty or career without giving up their tenured position  

Career Skills

For any skills you roll, you get 1 rank every term you have in this career.   See Career Skills   Use the Below Table for Mishap Instead of Sheet
2d6 Mishap
2 A disaster leaves several injured and others blame you, forcing you to leave your career. Throw twice on the Injury Table taking the higher result and gain a Rival.
3 You gain such celebrity status that you can no longer perform your duties. Gain +1 Social Standing.
4 The ship or facility that you are working at is attacked by terrorists. Lose a benefit throw and gain an Enemy.
5 Your work is sabotaged by unknown parties. You may salvage what you can and give up (leaving the career but save this term's benefit throw) or start again from scratch (lose all benefit throws from this career but you do not have to leave).
6 The government interferes with your research. If you openly continue your work, Take Any Science (any) and gain an Enemy. If you secretly continue your work, take Any Science (any) and reduce your Social Standing by 2. This mishap does not cause you to leave this career.
7 Injured – throw on the Injury Table.
8 A rival researcher blackens your name or steals your research. Gain a Rival, but you do not have to leave this career.
9 An expedition or voyage goes wrong, stranding you in the wilderness. Gain Survival or Athletics.
10 An experiment goes badly. Throw Dexterity DC 12. If you fail, throw on the Injury Table.
11 A mistake causes several people to be injured. Gain 1d3 Rivals.
12 You don’t know what happened. You have no memory of the last several months of your life.
    Career Skills  
2d6 Event
10 - 11 Disaster! Throw on the Mishap Table, but you are not ejected from this career.
12 Your crew is involved in a major conflict with bandits. Throw Dexterity DC 12. If you succeed, gain either Perception or Acrobatics. If you fail, throw on the Injury Table.
13 A rival group of researchers beats you to publication, ruining your research. -1 to Survival roll
14 You lose your research funding. Throw Education DC 12 to avoid losing your benefit throw for this term.
15 Your success brings ruin to another group of scholars. Gain 1d3 Rivals or an Enemy.
16-20 You are asked to perform research that is against your conscience. Accept and you gain an extra benefit throw, a level in two of Any Science (any) skills, and 1d3 Enemies.
21 You are asked by law enforcement to help them on a science-related crime. Gain one of Bluff or Diplomacy.
22 Something mysterious happens. You wake with no memory of where you have been for the last 1d6 weeks.
23 You are caught somewhere you weren’t supposed to be. Throw Dex 12+. If pass Gain one as a class skill: Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis , Restricted Skills: Gambling INT , Bluff, or Stealth. Fail throw on Injuries and Medical Coverage
24 You are asked to go on a show to debunk a charlatan. Throw Education DC 12 or Bluff DC 12. If you succeed, gain a +1 Social Standing. If you fail, lose 1 point of Social Standing.
25 You spend time working in a mundane society. Throw Education DC 12 to gain Craft(any) or Profession(any)
26-30 You are tested for Psionic potential. If your Psionic strength is 7+, you may transfer to the Psion career without having to make a Qualification roll.
31-36 Life Event. Throw on the Life Events Table.
37-41 Your work requires you to learn a variety of skills. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed gainRestricted: Jack of all Skills
42 You are involved with a gambling ring. Throw Intelligence 12+. If you succeed gain one of Restricted Skills: Gambling INT , Skill Restricted: Streetwise Wis or Bluff. If you fail, take a -1 on the next one benefit throw.
43 You assist in tracking down a rogue psion. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain Perception, Stealth, or Bluff, You may transfer to the Agent career next term without making a Qualification roll.
44 You are assigned a secret mission. Throw on the Agent Event Table. May transfer to Agent next year without a qualification roll.
45 You have the opportunity to advance your career by cheating. If you refuse, you gain nothing. If you accept, throw Bluff DC 12 or EDU DC 12. If you succeed, you gain +2 DM on one benefit throw and may increase any one skill you have by one level, but you gain an Enemy. If you fail, you gain an Enemy and lose one benefit throw from this career.
46-48 Everything that could go wrong did go wrong. Throw Intelligence DC 12 to gain Restricted Skill: Jack of All Trades
49-51 During one of your tours, a high-ranking member of the government, or a celebrity, notices you. Gain a Contact and either +1 Social Standing or EDU +1.
52 You visit facilities scattered over the planet. Throw Intelligence DC 12. If you succeed, gain Pilot.
53 You are given advanced training in a specialist field. Throw Education DC 12 to gain any one skill of your choice.
54 Somehow you learned something. Throw Education DC 12. If you succeed gain Any Computer Use (any).
55 You spend time doing intensive research. Gain one level of any one skill you already have.
56-60 Your hard work is acknowledged. Gain a +1 on your next Advancement roll.
61 You gain a mentor. Gain an Ally and +1 benefit roll
62 You receive a research grant. Gain an extra one-benefit throw.
63 Due to your diligent work collecting a bounty, you are awarded a bonus. Gain +1 on one benefit throw.
64 Your work is recognized by your superiors. Extra Cash roll
65 You receive a prestigious award. Gain +1 DM on one benefit throw and +1 cash roll
66 You get a lab ship for your work with the field of study.
When you gain a new class ability you can take one of these instead See Background Career: Alternate class abilities  

Academic Lecture

 +4 synergy bonus to Bluff from Knowledge checks when using knowledge to bluff.  

Advance Knowledge

 Allows a max rank of one Int-based skill chosen with Skill Focus to use: Character Level+3+ EDU modifier. May choose this a number of times equal to his EDU modifier. Must be 10th level to take this.  

Intelligent Defense

Academics sometimes need to be in dangerous situations and have to be able to defend themselves. They apply their INT bonus as a dodge bonus to their AC as long as they are aware of the attack and not flat-footed. This only works when wearing no defense protections (Armor, force fields etc) Any sort of armor bonus applied causes the academic to lose this bonus. This works the same as the Monk AC bonus they get for Wis. Must be 8th level to take this  

Mental Discipline

+4 to any Int ability checks to do with mental agility or problem-solving(they can be applied to Uni checks or learning new PL level)  

Psudo-Eidetic memory

+2 to all knowledge checks and a reroll before DC is revealed on any knowledge that has been studied or known beforehand, Max EDU modifier per day.  

Related Field of Study

May choose one Int-based skill that is not on his class list and make it a class skill. Must have been exposed to the skill before adding (seeing it being used or reading about it in a book ect) May choose this a number of times equal to his EDU modifier.  

Know your Foe(Ex)

You receive an insight bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls if make a knowledge check against the creature type for the remainder of the combat. The amount of the bonus depends on your Knowledge check result, as given on the following table.   Check Result Bonus Granted
20 or below +1
21—30 +2
31-35 +3
36-40 +4
41+ +5
You can make only one Knowledge check per creature type per combat. If you fight creatures of multiple types during the same combat, you can make one Knowledge check per type, thereby possibly gaining different bonuses against different opponents. Must be 10th level to take this.  

Forbidden Knowledge:

You may decide to take 1d4 points of Wisdom burn to gain a +10 bonus on a single Knowledge. You suffer the ability to burn after the check is made.