Current Careers: How Events Work

You check  Maintain Employment every month you are in the CC (Current Career).    Can roll a max of 3 times in a year, Each time you roll, you have to check after on Maintain Employment table in Get a Job Profession skill . Any increases in the DC are kept till the end of the year. Any failure from checks on Events adds +5 to the DC of Maintain Employment. You use any Career Skills you have gained for the check. If you have none make a stat check with any of the stat requirements needed for the Career. If no stat requirement use 10 + rank + EDU bonus to roll.   In the month you roll your Event, you still check normal Maintain Employment but use the DC before the event so you check twice in those months. You can choose whatever 3 months you want to roll for.   You can only get each event once. If you roll an event you already got, go down one event if an Enlisted and go up by 1 if an officer.