Essence in Ghuant | World Anvil


A person’s humanity is referred to as essence, and for the sake of in-game rules, every person started with six, sometimes seven points of essence. The more essence somebody had, the more human they were said to be. When someone replaces their body with cyberware, it depletes their essence, eroding their ability to channel magic or, if augmentation became extreme, remain grounded within reality. While megacorporations invested heavily in reducing this effect, a solution to essence depletion was never found. If someone augmented themselves to the point their essence was zero, they’d die.   Like all cyberpunk stories, these barriers were not the end. The craving for more power beyond one’s natural means was too great to ignore. However, while technology and magic seemed at odds, this isn’t always true. Through what later was termed cybermancy, megacorps found a way to tether a person’s soul to their technically dead bodies, enabling almost complete cybernetic augmentation. These homunculi became known as cyberzombies, and the rituals to bring them into existence came at a significant cost.   Most cyberzombies experience severe symptoms not unlike cyberpsychosis, turning them into violent, mindless husks. While some cyberzombies remain sentient, most succumb to their condition, first through overstimulation (the constant flood of data from their augments drives the cyberzombie insane) which then becomes Chronic Dissociation Syndrome (the cyberzombie simply no longer responds to their implants and becomes unanchored in their reality).     See Cyberpsychosis for info   This start at 6 and you add your Con bonus to it to get the total, Each time you install any cybernetic into your body this goes down and after you have your Con bonus in impacts you start to have to make Essence checks or start to become more and more like a machine, uncaring and if you Essence ever goes to 0, you go insane and try to kill everything around you until you yourself are killed or something is taken out, sometimes forcefully.   Each piece of cyberwar has an essence loss cost. Once you reach your max of Con bonus, each time after that you make a 2d6 Essence check after the items reducation. if you get under your Essence you accept the new implant with no extra problems. When you fail your Cyberpsychosis score goes up by 1 (starts at 0). When that equals your essence you are lost and go into a killing rage until something is removed to bring your essence back up, but that does not always work.   When you get into a stressful situation where your blood gets pumping you have to make Cyberpsychosis check: a Cha check DC 15 + Cyberpsychosis (only if you already have over max Con bonus in implants). If you fail that check, you act like under the effect of a confusion spell for 1 hour for every point of your Cyberpsychosis.   If you suddenly come into the planet with cybernetics installed you immediately have to find your essence and make 1 Cyberpsychosis check regardless if not over or not. Then follow the rules like everyone else.  

Magic and cybernetics

There are major impacts on awakened characters when you install cybernetics into you. Also well if you are inflected by nanomachines also has effects on arcane spellcasters. See Magic, psionics and Metal   

Essence  and Resonance

Your Resonance is equal to your Essence  See Living Icons