Technomancer Living Icons Magic Hack in Ghuant | World Anvil

Technomancer Living Icons Magic Hack

You no longer need a cyberdeck to hack and enter VR space. You need a data jack and when you plug in you use your own stats for the Icon.   The biggest danger and drawback is you cannot hide your digital sign easily, so if you start to hack into places you should not, it will be easier to find you.   As you do not have storage, you have to write the programs each time you come back onto the net using Writing Programs on the Fly See Programs buying and Writing   Because you are using your mind to travel, you cant easily just store programs, so you need to learn two things: Programs, You can choose 2 programs per level to learn. See Programs buying and Writing See Techno Feat: Extra Complex Form  


When you use a Resonance ability, you leave a unique signature behind in the fabric of the Resonance. This Resonance signature gets left on the target. If you’re in a host, your signature is left there, too. A signature has a rating equal to the Resonance rating of whatever is left it, and it lasts for one hour times its rating.   Other Resonance beings (technomancers, sprites, and ... others) can detect a Resonance signature by getting at least 3 hits on a Matrix Perception Test; noticing a signature comes in addition to the usual questions you get to ask. If you’ve seen a signature before, you can recognize it (the gamemaster might make you try a Memory Test). With 5 or more hits, you also get the impression of what kind of being or ability left it there (again, that info is free). You can erase a signature with the Erase Signature action. Resonance beings have their own signatures (with a rating equal to their Char Level) on themselves all the time.  


Technomancers have a living persona they use in the Matrix. Your living persona’s icon can be pretty much anything you like, following the rules for persona icons. You can change your icon with the Change Icon action, like normal persona users. Since your living persona is just a persona, not a device, you don’t have any onboard storage; this is easy enough to deal with because you can store files in nearby devices.   As a technomancer, you can only use AR and hot-sim VR (the only way you can use cold-sim VR is by using a cybredeck or commlink—ew).   You get the following bonuses in the matrix :   +2 to any detection rolls   + int modifier to Init rolls   Your icon does not have a separate hp total, any damage taken in the matrix is applied as non-lethal damage to your body. If the non lethal ever equals your current hit points you are dumped from the matrix and go KO. If your icon HP is reduced to 0 you also are dumped but if is not equal to HP could get some healing and go back in.  


  If you encounter another technomancer with a sustained complex form, and you want to end the complex form without that technomancer’s permission, you can use the Kill Complex Form action to end it. Make a complex Computer Use(Data) check vs. DC 10 + target complex form Level + Firewall Every net hit you get reduces the level from the complex form. If you reduce that number to zero, the complex form ends. Whenever you perform the Kill Complex Form action, you must resist Fading as if you had threaded the complex form you targeted.



Living Icons

  Firewall=Lvl in Techomancer Max Essess Score see Essence   Response = Int Modifier   System = Lvl of Techomancer Max Essess Score see Essence   Active Memory = Int modifier x 10 x 10   Str=Int Dex=Wis Con=Cha   HD/hp: An avatar’s Hit Dice is equal to its Techomancer level. An avatar uses a 6 at each level for hit points and gains a number of additional hit points equal to its user’s Computer Use skill ranks. For example, the avatar of a 4th-level Smart hero with 7 ranks in Computer Use has 31 hit points. An avatar that is reduced to 0 hit points is data dumped out of the system. VRNet users who take feats of the Cybernaut can increase their avatars’ base Hit Die from d6 to d8, d10, or d12.   Massive Damage Threshold (Mas): An avatar has a massive damage threshold equal to its user’s Intelligence score + firewall If an avatar takes damage from a single attack greater than its massive damage threshold, it must succeed on a DC 20 Fortitude save. If the save fails, the avatar dissolves and its user is instantly disconnected (see page 50). The avatar isn’t necessarily destroyed, however—if its hit points weren’t reduced to 0, it can reenter the VRNet’s virtual world once its user is back online.   Speed General (general) =Int mod x 1000 miles per round. Speed Tactical(Spd): An avatar has a base speed of 30 within any VRNet node. Special class features or software can modify this speed. They can run at x4     Defense: An avatar’s Defense is equal to a 10 + Firewall + its user’s Cha modifier or Shield + Computer Use (data) effective skill (rank plus all bonuses). If using a shield can add to defense instead of Cha bonus. Touch attacks ignore armor software modifiers (but not deflection software modifiers). A flat-footed avatar loses its user’s Cha bonus to Defense.   Base Attack Bonus (BAB): An avatar’s base attack bonus is equal to its user’s Computer Use skill ranks.   Attacks (Atk): The avatar gains multiple attacks at the same rate as characters in the real world (an extra attack when the highest base attack bonus reaches 6, 11, and 16). It's a Computer Use(data) skill check + Attack program or Cha bonus for the attack + System.   Fighting Space (FS): An avatar has a fighting space of 5 feet by 5 feet.   Reach: An avatar has a reach of 5 feet.   Allegiances (AL): Avatars have allegiances the same as normal characters do; even autonomous pieces of software (such as agents, aides, and combat drones) owe allegiance either to an individual, a group, or a particular node.   Saves (SV): An avatar has the same base save bonuses as its user. Apply the user’s Intelligence modifier instead of his Constitution, Dexterity, or Wisdom modifier to his avatar’s base Fortitude, Reflex, and Will saving throws.   Abilities: An avatar does not have ability scores. Any actions that aren’t normally resolved using skill checks are resolved with Computer Use checks.   Skills: Avatars do not have skills of their own. Whenever an avatar is called upon to make a skill check, its user makes the skill check on the avatar’s behalf. He can use any of his skills OR default to Computer Use (data) instead.   Languages: An avatar reads, writes, and speaks the same languages as its user.   When a living Icon enters the VRNet he already has his Int bonusx2 active programs loaded, rest he has to Program on the Fly. See Programs buying and Writing   Programs: The Living icon has to learn programs like spells and he has to choose carefully. The Living Icon gets 2 programs per Technomancer level or any other class that would count as net specialists like Mechanic.