Matrix Runs Simple or Complex? in Ghuant | World Anvil

Matrix Runs Simple or Complex?

So for the most part, most parties will only have basic usage of the matrix. They will be able to use it to look up stuff, and buy stuff but the real hardcore stuff will be left to the hackers and Technomancers of the group.   So since only 1 or maybe 2 PCs will be involved on a full matrix run I won't be using the full matrix rules unless either it is being run at the same time as combat(so the group is trying to do something and is under attack and hackers have to get something done to escape or complete mission. Or if it is an important plot point that you need to go in and find something and it is expected to be a part of the mission then complex hacking will be used.   See Matrix for general info when using either See USER MODES  

Different PL Hacking

So all the Matrix is built on PL 8 tech and the cyberdecks are all PL 8 which is why no one can create new ones, they stuck with that they already got around. If you somehow got a PL 9 deck, you would get +5 to all checks using that deck. If you have an old tech of a custom deck that is built at lower PL you would have to take off 5 off any rolls for every PL lower than 8.     Finding Your Way in the Matrix Once you enter the Matrix, you have to find your way to your destination, assuming that you don't start in your desired location. You make a Matrix Perception Test to target the place you want to go Once you find it you just travel there.       Logging On Logging on for legit users is easy – input the appropriate passcode. This is a full-round action. Illegal access requires several things to occur. The first thing required is an access point. As the world is wi-fi as long as you are in a grid area and have a signal you can get on. Logging on is a full-round action and requires a Computer Use (Data) check. An Exploit program provides bonuses to this check.    

Simple Hacking

When the matrix is not a main part of the mission, it will just be straight rolls, system DC vs normal check no complex opposed rolls you hit DC get in get over get better access, do what you have to do, and get out.   

Complex Hacking 

When the mission requires hacking to be part of the main encounters then i will be using below rules:  

Probing the Target

On-the-fly decking works if you have to use it, but the preferred method of decking is by probing the target. This requires that you have sufficient time to scout your target ahead of time, searching for system weaknesses that can make penetration easier.   To use this method, you must be able to examine the target for at least one hour, and you must succeed in a Complex Computer Use (data) + Exploit program check against the system DC and get equal to its tier in passes. If successful, you have found an exploitable weakness. You get one roll per hour. It is possible system does regular sweeps for marks and you may lose them when start the next hour,   After probing, you must break in as described above. However, you gain a +4 bonus to the check to Break In and Log On.       That weakness does not last forever. In an ever-changing system, you would have to reprobe 3d6 - tier rounds rolled by DM in secret. If you start to try to use weakness will know before it has been closed.  

On The Fly Hacking

  This is when you try to get into a system without taking the time to probe and check the level of tier and do some background info on what defenses it has. ITs the sort of thing you do when you are in a firefight trying to open that blast door that just dropped trapping your team.

Breaking in

Using the Star Finder rules but will be using complex skill checks and making the base DC hack 10 + 4 per Tier.   A level 10 system would be a DC 50.   When trying to hack, the computer system gets to roll a number of dice equal to its tier to defend and reduce your passes.   The computer's DC is 10 + attackers' Computer Use (data) rank + your Attack program + your Cloak program   When making its own check, the computer is assumed to have a bonus equal to its tier, and a total skill bonus equal to 2-1/2 × its tier. So that level 10 system will have +25 to its rolls and can roll 10 dice to defend with.   For each pass you get you add 1 mark onto the system, once you get the same marks as tier it allows you in as a user. If you want to Root access you need to get double the tier and if want Super User rights you need to get x1.5 the tier. Sometimes getting in as a user can hack from inside the system to get better access. You can do this over a period of time and as long as your marks are not found you can build on getting better access over time.   When using a weakness to break in, The system only gets one free check to detect you at the end of each round and rolls:   Complex Computer Use(Data) check with DC equal to Target Computer Use (Data) effective bonus(rank and all bonuses) + Cloak Programs    instead of a check for every action you make on the system it only get to check once per round you are using the weakness, once found though it follows its procedure when under attack.     

See Alert Levels for when you are caught.


Should you be Worried?

These give warning to hackers about how hard a target will be to deal with. Some system strip these ID codes out but any that don't gives a hacker a good idea of how hard things are going to get:                                          
SecurityBase System DCSystem Skill ModTierExample
Green 34 +15 6 Public Area
Blue 38 +21 7 Small Business
Yellow 42 +24 8 Unimportant Govt Database
Red 46 +27 9 Corporate and Military Systems
Black 50 +25 10 Top secret System
Ultraviolet 60 +28 or more 11+ PL 9 Age Of Progression system
Lime Green ??? ???? ???? Even older systems or systems upgraded by super AIs
    Logging Off Logging off the Matrix follows the same procedure as logging on, and takes a move action. The DC may be higher than listed if the decker has set off any kind of security alert. If the decker has triggered the Scanner utility of the server, the DC is automatically at +5. If you beat the DC by more than 10, you can log off as a standard action. Unlike the Log On, you can directly Log Off, bypassing all the nodes, networks, and grids. This process is known as a Graceful Log Off. You can also jack out – that is, pull the plug connecting you to your deck. Jacking out is a free action, but does not terminate your Matrix connection. Jacking out is usually a final method when faced with physical damage. Jacking out causes dumpshock.  

Complex Method

  This complex is more like an adventure, you have to break into systems, travel across girds track down data stores, and search and crack files to get the info you are looking for. While it will be using the same rules as above, it's going just hack into the system roll a search dl file a few rolls, and be done it will be a whole mission   Note: A technomancer could use OVERRIDE (EX) 9TH LEVEL power while in the Matrix, others could not.