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When did these structures mean nothing to us?
— Magi Marco, on the removal of the Bulo Patheon statues in Rhufputre, 1438 TF
  The Bulo people are a culture that have been based around the Bul region for centuries. The Bulo culture was spread throughout Eleanor by the Rhussom Empire during the early years of the Age of the Third Clans. Today, the Bulo exist in the Kingdom of Bul.   Originally the Bulo were a gnomic people; farmers based around the Bulo region, cultivating tropical fruits such as bananas, grapes, and pineapples, as well as corn and wheat. The city of Rhustall was founded around 96 TF, and subsequently grew in control by using the river Rhust and its connection to the Entanre Sea.   By 520 TF, the Rhussom Empire came to control most of the continent of Eleanor, limited by the northern coasts, southern coasts, and northern half of Khiinor. It then suffered from being to large to manage and came to fall to the orcs of the Knife of the World, and the Omriccans, who formed the Kingdom of Omrik within the northern territories.   From approximately 871 TF, the region left as the Rhussom empire broke into two - the Kingdoms of Vadre and Beonque respectively. This last for a few hundreds year before the unification of Bulo and the rise of the Bulo union in 1114 TF. Since then, the Bulo have remained, expanding power in trade rather than geopolitics.   The Bulo peoples are often considered the reason for currency being adapted and used in most of the world - Rhussom coins were used to pay their military forces as a way to promise them supplies and resources, and to divvy them up fairly. This practise was adopted by many markets in the Empire and so many Bulo families became accountants; managers of finance. This prevalence of the Bulo and coin has remained ever since.   The Bulo believed in the Bulo Pantheon, five gods who represented the five labours that a commoner might take: Luno the fisherman, Mar the farmer, Merrin the wanderer, Jules the woodsman, and Vex the shepherd. They were represented by the five heavenly bodies in the sky that Bulo used to forecast the future by use of Oracles. The Bulo pantheon still exists in some capacities, having major peaks in Olivia named after them, and the weekdays in the Lamércian Calendar named for them as well.   The Bulo are also a family driven culture, believing that family names hold great power. Though their society was patriarchal, it was often a child of Bulo would be given several names to indicate their heritage on either side, as long as it granted them a boon.

Naming Traditions

Family names

Agra, Aqui, Anjela, Alfansa, Benetta, Beonque, Benni, Chastrallim, Cesa, Derhanti, Era, Febbri, Fiore, Gatsi, Genti, Imbri, Iansi, Louri, Leane, Luca, Mila, Minea, Necha, Picoli, Pinza, Quenta, Rina, Rhusta, Salfea, Santara, Satre, Tara, Tista, Ursa, Vencha, Veola, Zarra


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