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If I could rid the world of Fost, wars would end and peace would finally reign.
— Lord Yotsui Mujimu circa 28 RB translated from Eastern
  Fost is the name given to the energy that gives rise to Magic, the art of manipulating the world and elements to a Magician's whim. It permeates the entire world of Olivia and Eleanor, with areas showing higher concentrations of fost than others. The use of a Fostometer can help determine the strength of fosts in or around regions.   Many pieces of work and study have been written about fost and its associated arts of Magic - the two go hand in hand and so many Fostologists are often also Magologists (Magis).


Material Characteristics

Fost has no properties observable by the common senses of the sentient species. However, the fostsense of species does exist, with some species showing a higher sensitivity to fost than others. Elves are commonly regarded as being the most fost sensitive, with Sjichan commonly considered the least fost sensitive (this is believed to be to the high concentration of fost that maintain their existence).

Origin & Source

Fost is believed to be radiated from Fostrend, a rock found in the earth and distributed widely around. The deeper it exists in the earth, the less potent its effects on the surface.

History & Usage


A hotly debated topic amongst scholars is the theory that life was born from Fost - that fost changed matter and gave sentience to animals to provide the sentient species that inhabit Olivia and Eleanor. The closest proof that exists are the Sjichan, ancient beings that take on the form of inorganic matter, but have sentience that allows them to interact and engage with the other species. Sjichan are incredibly secretive and quiet in their origins, especially the oldest of their kind, and it has been difficult to gain answers to their origins or births. The few that do speak of it admit they awoke to Sjichan already existing, and simply assimilated into their culture.   Fost has been recorded as existing since written records began, and many published works have been written about its use in the art of magic. Many magical manuscripts and teachings all deal with the usage of fost. Whilst prevalent all around the world, various areas are stronger with fost than others, causing effects on not just the physical world but upon its people and conceptions. The quote from Lord Mujimu is from early history of Lamércia, where battles fought in the Old Forests were much more difficult and dangerous due to the high concentration of fost in the area.

Everyday use

Fost is the energy used by Magicians of all practises to be able to manipulate the world. It's not fully understood on whether it is a limitless resource, but it does determine the strength and rate of success of magical manipulation.


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