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...It burns to the touch. Any person we send to investigate it further can't get close without tears streaming from their eyes and their limbs trembling, as if the gods were willing them to leave; pleading with them. A man who got close enough to touch the stone was dead the next day, a blue tint to their blood. It is no mystery why we know so little and why few decided to interfere with the fostrend. I wish to change that today...
— Magi Jonn Quill circa 352 RB
  Emerging from beneath the ground of the Earth during The Cracking, Fostrend is a blue-tinted rock that forms in a vein-like pattern that emanates a low hum or vibration. It is found prevalent around the earth, deeper below the surface in some parts than others, and occasionally breaking to the surface at places referred to as a Fostpoint. Fostrend is determined to be the source of Fost and therefore often considered the lifeblood to all things in Olivia and Eleanor.


Material Characteristics

Fostrend looks like marble, with a shifting colour quality that some compare to water. The blue-tint the stone gives makes some believe it is like a hardened form of water - a kind of ice-rock. In Aka, it is almost invisible in the snow and there are occasions that the visible veins of fostrend were mistaken for rivers. Due to the nature of its affect on sentient species, it was believed the rivers were "rivers of the dead" and a sacred place. This explains why Aka remains abandoned as it has been for thousands of years.

Physical & Chemical Properties

Fostrend has been described as having hazardous effects upon the sentient species by just being several metres in its vicinity, including:
  • Uncontrollable shaking
  • Burning of the skin
  • Uncontrollable weeping
  • An urge to leave its vicinity
  In close proximity or by touching the material, these effects worsen including:
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Thinning of hair
  • Rashes on exposed and unexposed skin
  • Nails turning black and falling out
  • Causing blood to turn purple or even blue
  • Crystals occurring in organic matter

Geology & Geography

Fostrend can be found practically across the world but most often deep underground. Places where the veins of fostrend are visible at the surface are referred to as fostpoints, of which there are five known places: Sofea in Omrik, 'Almazo near the Knife of the World, Aka in southern Rhuti, Qino in Khiinor, and Papyon near the Elpan Mountains.   Because there exist six known types of Sjichan, it's theorised that there must be a sixth fostpoint undiscovered but there is little evidence to where it may be.

History & Usage


When The Cracking occurred in ancient history, it is said the fost was potent enough to provide life and sentience. It's often theorised that the Sjichan were given life by the fost found at the fostpoints, backed by the fact that Sjichan of certain types tend to flock and surround certain fostpoints eg. the Mist Sjicahn of Papyon. It's also said that the species of Olivia and Eleanor who have a better connection with fost are because of their ancestors' exposure to fost and fostrend. The elves, who once inhabitated the fostpoints of Eleanor, are regarded as having the strongest connection, but this is not backed by study.   Attempts to approach fostrend in nature in recent history have never fared well. Those who are not Sjicahn report that 'their skin burns', that 'they begin to uncontrollably weep', and that 'they are overcome with uncontrollable shaking in their limbs'. Sjichan report not feeling these same affects and instead feel 'an instinctual need to approach and consider' the fostrend for hours or days at a time. Some theorise that Sjichan are rejuvenated by fost and therefore use the fostrend to "recharge".


The knowledge of fostrend has been recorded for centuries, but no attempts to study the material were made until recently.   In 352 RB, a scholar Jonn Quill of the Magicians' Academy of Heightington managed to obtain pieces of fostrend to examine and study.   Quill found that a piece as small as a thimble had the capability to greatly improve one's skill in managing and manipulating fost. Any larger and the affects on the body were too great. Quill spent a lot of time with a piece in a pendant and used it to experiment with his own abilities, as well as testing its exposure with his students. When Quill passed away in 368 RB it was found his blood had taken a bluish color and small crystals were found inside his blood. He had perished from kidney failure, but scholars believe this was exacerbated by his exposure to the fostrend, as his kidneys showed signs of crystallisation within its makeup. His body has since been examined extensively by the Medicinal Academy of Okati.   Quill published writings Fostrend; A Meticulous Study have since been distributed amongst many Magician Guilds and have begun an attempt to utilise the material in recent years, especially by the elves of the Eastern Empire. This has caused much discomfort in Eleanor.
Softly iron
Slightly salty


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Jul 5, 2023 13:38 by Drake Ragon

Took me a while to see, that is is actually "fost" not "frost", besides that, neatly done.

„You are so blinded by the present that you cannot be enlightened by the future.”
Aug 21, 2023 05:16 by Tlcassis Polgara | Arrhynsia

A dangerous material whose potential is still to be discovered?

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