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Science of Magic

Give me a magician who can tell me exactly how they do what they do, and I'll reward him my kingdom
— King Edven of Heights circa 872 TF
  The art and science of magic is a topic that has many texts written about, especially within Olivia where the study of magic has given rise to a number of Academies. It is still not exactly understood, but a great deal of advancement has occurred in recent centuries thanks to the "rational method", depicted by scientists. A scientist in magic is referred to as a Fostologist.  


  The history of Fostology first found itself in the Alkemists of old Ou in Olivia. The Alkemists recognised that special effects could be imbued to a person by ingest certain plants and minerals, treated through various methods of burning, distilling, boiling, freezing and mixing. This was considered to be blessings from the gods, remnants left by the Titans. Hence materials were often categorised into five collectives, depending on which of the Titans' domains it belonged to.   As time went on, Fost was understood to have an affect on concoctions - those better attuned to Fost felt stronger effects from these potions and solutions, and certain areas they worked better.   Magicians didn't emerge until close to 400 TF, where some records speak of Alkemists who managed to observe effects with these materials by "altering" the Fost around them. The art of manipulating Fost, or Fostrendering, was recorded as occurring small bouts.  


  The Alkemy being magic recognises that certain minerals and chemicals, that are agitated by Fost, produce certain natural phenomena. Some materials have no 'agitated' effects and are considered 'fostdead'. Materials can be combine to combine their effects, leading to complicated magicks being possible through knowing which materials are necessary. This lends to magicians often needing stores of materials or carrying a component pouch to assist.   It is theorised that the Sjichan exist through long-term agitation of certain chemicals, eventually producing sapient spirits, but this is not proven.   Some of the known minerals and associated effects are as follows:  
Mineral/Chemical Titanic Association Spiritist Association Effect
Acid (citrus, vinegar) Fedeus Cysgud Evocation of lightning and storms
Air Fedeus Abren Evocation of water and rain
Alcohol (Nymffa) Anima Abren Accelerated healing
Aluminium Inertia Carrec Dulling of gravity
Amber Fedeus Cysgud Evocation of lightning and storms
Antimony Alea Dowydden Light
Arsenic Alea Unos Slow healing
Ash Momenta Tan Evocation of fire
Bismuth Inertia Carrec Slow movement
Calcium Anima Abren Numbness
Clay Inertia Carrec Elasticity
Coal Momenta Tan Evocation of fire
Cobalt Momenta Carrec Attraction
Copper Fedeus Cysgud Evocation of lightning and storms
Gold Inertia Unos Slowing of time
Iron Inertia Carrec Speed
Lead Alea Unos Fost dulling
Mercury Alea Unos Transformation
Nickel Momenta Carrec Attraction
Obsidian Momenta Tan Evocation of fire
Onyx Momenta Unos Dimming of light
Pearl Alea Dowydden Light
Phosphorus Momenta Tan Evocation of fire
Platinum Alea Dowydden Light
Salt Fedeus Cysgud Vibration
Sand Momenta Dowydden Weakening of material
Silver Alea Dowydden Resistance, hardening
Sugar Anima Tan Pleasure
Sulphur Momenta Tan Evocation of fire
Tallow Momenta Carrec Evocation of fire
Tin Alea Carrec Sound and light
Water Anima Abren Accelerated healing
Zinc Fedeus Tan Evocation of cold


  Certain species and ethnicities have better "attunement" to Fost than others. Some areas are also more concentrated with Fost. These are two factors that can affect the abilities of a magician or "Fostrenderer". This is why a magician or Fostrenderer will often attend specialist academies that sit in places of higher concentrations.


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