Äshagyda (ar-SHAH-gee-DAH)

Äshagyda is an ancient Ihmisii ruin within Ambra's Holt, believed to be the personal holding of one of their royals — the Upright Lord — filling a similar niche to a Kaharotan Keep. Parts of its interior are constructed from polished granite that would have come from the Middle Mountains, suggesting the site was built in conjunction with the Conclave of the Gelek Çeng, placing its construction c.3500–3000 BE.   Äshagyda is mirrored, to some extent, in the Jungle-that-StraysRefrain, with the Upright Hall.   Äshagyda has been the subject of several of "Master" Kronklin's Lost Pages.


Äshagyda appears to be comprised of many interconnected larger structures, though few have thusfar been explored. Only the following are confirmed:
  • The Mortuary Temple, where the Ihmisii dead were embalmed, and students of anatomy learned their craft. The Temple has fallen to rot, with its ancient automaton driven mad by the souring of the alchemical reagents within in brain tank.


Äshagyda is guarded by two doors, set into a spiral ramp that descends over 50 feet into the ground. Outside the door at the bottom of this ramp is an apparently magical receptical holding an impossibly cold and clear liquid, whose purpose and origin remains a mystery.


It is believed that a group of Anadi may be living in or around some part of Äshagyda, as their tracks have been found heavily in the area. This group appeared to be ferrying large amounts of medical supplies — that may be stolen — towards the region for unknown purposes. Within the Mortuary Temple, many such Anadi appear to be under the influence of the Alchemical Mortician, bound to its service via psycho-suppressant drugs.
Founding Date
c.3500 BE
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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