Alchemical Mortician

The Alchemical Mortician was a construct built by the Ihmisii of Äshagyda at some point during the decline of their citystate. The construct was equipped with alchemical compounds intended to preserve and otherwise tend to the Ihmisii dead — especially the Upright Lord and their consort.   At some point after the the fall of Äshagyda, the Mortician constructed for itself hands, legs, and new vocal recordings for it to communicate. It went on to improperly preserve many of the Ihmisii dead, creating a small army of Alchemical Drudges, and awakening the Anatomical Dummies that were once held within the Mortuary Temple.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

The Scofflaws' Guild encountered the Mortician twice, once during the thirty fourth foray, and again during the forty second foray wherein it was defeated. Eșec recovered the construct's brain, and has since dissolved portions of it within Mnemonic Acid, allowing them to relive the Mortician's memories.  

Memory #1: Abandonment

Stinging. Relentless stinging. They never did fix the stinging down the optic nerve; the fluid they built me with was never tested on the living before me. But it is my burden to bear, to do that which my masters find distasteful yet necessary.   There are boxes everywhere. Crates, jars, servants, and proles pass back and forth before my tank. They are leaving, yet I must remain. I try to ask them not to go, but the wax cylinder that acts as my voice could not say that. I move my arms to remove the cylinder, and look about the temple for another in which to write my voice, but it was too far. It takes much time to scrape across the floor towards the supplies, for they had not built me legs.   Once more, it takes time to scratch my message into the cylinder, for the syringes that serve as my hands lack the dexterity of my inventors. But, after much struggle, I finish, and install it into my mouthpiece to speak.   "Please do not leave."   My voice rings out into the empty halls. They are dark, seen only through the vibrant green fluid in my tank; all the torches have been taken, and the braziers are filled with thick dust. It must have been some time since they left, but I had not noticed it in my toil.   My work must have been neglected, for I have not attended to my Lord this whole time. I will need legs to speed my work from here after, and hands with which to build them. I will need company, as well, with which not to go mad. There must be something left here to talk to.
Note: we do not hold the rights to this image, and it is a proxy stand-in, subject to change in the near future.
Current Location
Date of Birth
c. 3000 BE
Date of Death
Restday, 1st of Flame's End, 2 AE
3000 BE 2 AE 3002 years old
Circumstances of Birth
Built by Ihmisii
Circumstances of Death
Destroyed by the Scofflaws
Place of Death
~275cm (9')
Aligned Organization


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