
Chorric — also known as Celestial or Arcane — is the direclty transcribed "sound" of the Song of Creation. Chorric cannot be truly spoken as a language by mortals, and must instead of spoken in short phrases or singular words to make arcane spells. In addition to its spoken components, Chorric often includes hand signs and other "morphemes" not possible for mortals to make, instead requiring items to be used in the process of "speaking" — sometimes called spell ingredients.   Chorric is a curious language because it underpins all of existence on a fundamental level, and — whether an individual consciously knows any Chorric or not — all beings in Creation intrinsically understand Chorric when it is spoken to them as a language. Indeed, Chorric is so fundamental to life that — even though most perceive it to be otherwise — Chorric is the language people hear and speak in their dreams, and from this root is the origin of all spoken language on Glüm.

Names & Inspiration

Names and words from Chorric are inspired by the real-world Armenian language.
Successor Languages


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