Dimitrinka Vekhen

Dimitrinka Vekhen

Dimitrinka Vekhen is a Kaharotan Hobgoblin, and a member of House Vekhen. She resided in Penka's Folly, Sigur for over a year, where she has stayed after being rescued from Felmithril Mine by the Scofflaws' Guild, under the protection of Florin Fort-Escu's Ihmisii Guestright. She has since "died," after activating a ritual during which she broke the Guestright by harming her cousin, the Scofflaw Enzelikar Vekhen.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Dimitrinka was born to an otherwise sidelined branch of House Vekhen, though expressed great ambition and determination even in her youth. From an early age, she studied magic — including the Vekhen art of Blood Sorcery — and had a particular interest in artifice and military history.   In 1 AE, Dimitrinka used what meagre wealth she had to fund a mining expedition into Gol-Kasha, attempting to reopen Felmithril Mine with the intention of using the Felmithril to further fund and equip an army to take down her political rivals. However, her mining band was waylaid by Morlocks that dwelled within the mines, and she only escaped with the aid of the Scofflaws' Guild.   Since her rescue, she has remained within Penka's Folly from where she is planning the next stage of her grasp for power. In pursuit of this, she has bound Ser Kerridin of the Bold to aid her, specifically indicating intention to deliver a letter to the Shadeless Lord, ostensibly to bring the Duchy of Gol-Kasha back into the Vekhen Empire with her as the new Empress.   On the 4th of High-Spring, 3 AE, Dimitrinka completed a ruse of hers, allowing her to spill Enzel's "kins' blood," activating some form of ritual she had been working on in her room. After the ritual activated, her body turned to dust, and her Soul was likely transported elsewhere (for unknown purposes). Enzel believed this may have something to do with the potential blood curse Iliya II Vekhen placed upon their family centuries prior, allowing him to write himself into their bloodline, attaining some degree of sentience beyond death. Additionally, Dimitrinka was found to have left behind countless reams of letters, all of which appeared to be replications of religious passages from the Church of Eighteen Eyes, however mention of petitioners, pilgrims, and other seekers of benediction from the Gods were ommitted. Chess believes that this may be linked in some way to the army of starving pilgrims in the Ashen Fields within Sustain.


Family Ties

Dimitrinka is the eldest of two siblings, daughter of Boiko Vekhen, granddaughter of Vidyo Vekhen, and great granddaughter of Emperor Orlin I Vekhen. She is one of six second cousins to Empress Yordenka I Vekhen, and is theoretically 18th in line of succession, though this is a functionally useless claim. She is the second cousin of Scofflaw Enzelikar Vekhen.
Note: we do not hold the rights to this image, and it is a proxy stand-in, subject to change in the near future.
Current Status
Deceased; unknown
Date of Death
Marketday, 4th of High-Spring, 3 AE
29 BE 3 AE 32 years old
Circumstances of Death
Turned to Dust
Place of Death
Cisgender Woman
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Blue-grey; scarred and horned
157cm (5'2")
73kg (160lbs)
Aligned Organization


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