Shadeless Lord

Duke Andrei Albescu (a.k.a. the Shadeless Lord)

Andrei II Albescu, otherwise known as Andrei III, and the Shadeless Lord, is the current Duke of the Duchy of Gol-Kasha who ascended to the throne in 259 BE upon the death of his father Cosmin I Albescu, the brother of Sorin VII Albescu. He abandoned the name Andrei when his mastery of Shadelore became common knowledge, and his ruse of impersonating his own son — Andrei III — was no longer convincing.   The Shadeless Lord is believed to be functionally immortal, both unaging and unable to die. This belief is due to a) his mastery of Shadelore, resulting in him apparently imprisoning his own Shadow, and b) several 'successful' assassination attempts — including one ordered by Penka IX Vekhen during the Second Invasion of Gol-Kasha — which nonetheless failed to kill or even injury him.   The Shadeless Lord is known to be a terrible tyrant, ruling through fear and magical might. Despite this, he is also known to be particularly inward-thinking, paying little attention to the wider Duchy, being fixated on Oryova, his capital. In recent months, though, news has reached the Shadeless Lord of the rise of the Brotherhood of Autumn within Zhilisky, and this direct affront to his rule has resulted in a mobilisation of troops to harass the wayward community. At present, these forces are only skirmishing with the town, though it is anticipated that the conflict will worsen soon.
Note: we do not hold the rights to this image, and it is a proxy stand-in, subject to change in the near future.
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
271 BE 274 Years old
Cisgender Man
Black, wavy; moustached
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, tanned
Aligned Organization
Ruled Locations


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