Old Kaharn

Old Kaharn — also known as the Old Tongue, the Mother Tongue, or the Church Tongue — is a language once commonly spoken in Syvat, specifically by the Kaharota of the early Vekhen Empire, but is now largely unknown. It remains in use somewhat by the Church of Eighteen Eyes who maintain it as a liturgical language, though even this has strayed from its origins. Curiously, the largest group of speakers are criminals — specifically smugglers and gangsters — who have adopted the language as a Thieves' Cant.   Old Kaharn is the root language of Common Vulgar and Aomenic, as well as being a source for a significant number of loan words for Borachi.

Names & Inspiration

Names and words from Old Kaharn are inspired by the real-world liturgical Bulgarian language.
Root Languages
Successor Languages


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