
Something that is Resounding is believed to exist in every (or at least many) Songs of Creation across the cosmos. It is a theory upheld by the radical theological order known as the Chorus of Endless Stars, an explicitly heretical sect of the Church of Eighteen Eyes.   The Chorus believe that many such aspects of reality are Resounding, including the Song itself, the Gods — or at least some of them — and the elemental principals that make up the Apparents. Other aspects of reality are also believed to be Resounding, including Humans, Dwarves, and Halflings, with some going so far as to include the off-shoot species from Refrain and Sustain, whilst others refuting this due to their "supernatural" origins. Some powerful artifacts also hold this status, including Life's Last Breath.   Some believe the cycle of history itself is Resounding, believing that all Songs are merely the same Song but heard at different points in time. Theologians down this line of thinking have gone so far as to claim that Echoing is the true shell of reality, and not a byproduct, with all of Creation reverberating because of it. Thus, all of reality is an Echo of itself.
Metaphysical, Elemental


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