They Who Call the Dawn

They Who Call the Dawn — also known as the Stalker, and the Trail Shadow — is a God recognised by the Church of Eighteen Eyes, believed to rule over the domains of Air, Moon, Perfection, and Sun. They Who Call the Dawn are actually twin Gods, both with a single eye: one made of gold and the other of silver. Together, They rule the heavens and orchestrate the cycle of day and night. They are ordered Gods, who control everything to a tight and perfecting schedule.   They Who Call the Dawn are favoured deities of scholars, teachers, healers, and other figures to whom the strict cycle of time is supremely important.  

Divine Portfolio

  • Edicts always be precise and exacting, always act logically and in keeping with precident
  • Anathema act rashly or without thought, pervert established systems, destroy knowledge
  • Divine Font heal
  • Divine Skill Medicine
  • Favoured Weapon flails
  • Domains air, moon, perfection, sun
  • Cleric Spells 1st: gust of wind, 2nd: enlarge, 4th: weapon storm
Argent, a moon and sun Or in pale
Divine Classification


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