Masons of the Sealed-Gate

The Masons of the Sealed-Gate are an ancient pre-Imperial knightly order dedicated to Banner Bearer, the Path Once Trodden (an Aspect of the Lord of Bridges & Baubles principally concerned with sanctuary and safety), and the Trail Shadow (an Aspect of They Who Call the Dawn principally concerned with armies and healing), that came to prominence in eastern Heartlands c.1500 BE. The Masons became famous for their siegecraft, apparently bringing the blessings of these three Gods to bear for any city that housed them, making the settlement impregnable.   The Masons gained the height of their power during the early years of Urra's Rest, where they were initially given sanctuary to last out a sacking from northern pirates. Despite their reputation, the Masons failed to keep the city safe and instead made a deal with the pirates, allowing them to take up residence within the walls in exchange for reinforcing their own power. After this point, the Masons became de facto rulers of Urra's Rest.   Due to the Masons' shoddy administration and underhanded tactics, they earned the ire of the native Urrans who — with the help of Rqajna Lockwreck and her hired mercenaries — managed to drive them out. The Urrans used their sway within the Church of Eighteen Eyes to have the Masons excommunicated, a status that they hold to this day.   Little is known of the Masons since this time, with them falling into obscurity due to their illegality, though it is known their order persists. In recent months, they have been sighted in Urra's Rest once more, seemingly in league with the Shadeless Lord's attempt to occupy the city.

Barred & Unbroken

Founding Date
c.1500 BE
Military, Knightly Order
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title


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