Wayward Temple

The Wayward Temple is a ruined religious temple within the Jungle-that-Strays in Refrain. The site was built by the Fey c.3750 BE, after the Disjunction but before the Ihmisii influenced their architecture (and vice versa). It is unknown how, when, or why the site became a ruin.

Purpose / Function

The temple was originally dedicated to the Wandering God, a Fey aspect of the Lord of Bridges & Baubles, though has since fallen into ruins. At some point during the End Times, it was re-appropriated by the coven of Endës, Tmerrshëm, and the as-of-yet unnamed third Hag as a portal through which they could enter and sustain themselves in Harmony (emerging into the Gremlin Caves in Ambra's Holt). Since the defeat of Tmerrshëm, the temple serves as the home of Gulaklar and their tribe, as well as a beachhead for the Scofflaws' Guild.
Note: the above map was acquired from Neutral Party's patreon, of which So Below is a patron.
Founding Date
c.3750 BE
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Characters in Location


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