

EndësIhmish for 'weaver' — was a Hag who dwelled within Bogwatch. She was known to wear the guise of a young Human woman.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Endës was responsible for the creation of the Festrog curse, as well as planting the Hag's Riddle and accompanying treasure which was found, but unsuccessfully excavated, by a group of bandits. The treasure was retrieved on the 1st of Snow's Start, 1 AE by Baldwyn Truethorn, Chess, Frederick Glosband, Ser Kerridin, and Sere Watchwithe on behalf of the Scofflaws' Guild during the twelth foray, and she herself was slain on the 21st of High-Winter by the same group sans Ser Kerridin during the nineteenth foray.   Endës's head was reanimated by Brother Felix Zamfir, at the request of Baldwyn, Cedar, Chess, Frederick, and Sere during the twenty eighth foray, after which point they were able to ask her three questions about the blade, and her machinations. During this questioning, she essentially confirmed that the blade was Life's Last Breath, and that she was a member of a three-Hag coven, the other two members of which appear to be located in Ambra's Holt, and Lake Dvor.


Contacts & Relations

Endës's treasure, hidden under the bandit's camp, contained a sword believed by Ser Kerridin to be Life's Last Breath, a fabled sword said to be the harbinger of the Demon Lord Ledna'k. The sword was prophecised to be at the head of the demon's host during the End Times, but never appeared on the battlefields. It is unclear exactly how Endës came to possess this blade, if it is indeed Life's Last Breath.
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Date of Death
Reapday, 21st of High-Winter, 1 AE
Circumstances of Death
Slain by Scofflaws
Place of Death


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