City of Arches Settlement in Goat Lips Campaign | World Anvil
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City of Arches


Fawning Summerset and the Crystal Grove

Adventurers Arrive

In 1492, a group of six adventurers (Beacher, Jade, Kage, Kharkahm, Pyüphyrd and Shig) arrived in the City of Arches through the archway in the Sunset Grove.

The adventurers were greeted by Grayson One-Eye, the half-elf caretaker of the Sunset Grove. Grayson led them into the town to meet with the Gatekeepers, the group who welcome those who enter the town through the city's many arches. After receiving baskets of food, artisanal cheeses and scented soaps, the Gatekeepers invited the adventurers to relax in the Public Baths beneath the Falls of the Three Goddesses.

Points of interest

Mysterious archways can be found throughout the City of Arches, and they’re all rumored to have been portals to other cities or worlds or even other planes of existence. The archways are apparently all now dormant, but every once in a while, adventurers step through them and arrive in the city, not knowing how or why they’re there.

Individuals of every species imaginable have arrived in the City of Arches in this way, including those not typically seen in a peaceful community like this. There are humans and gnomes and elves and dwarves, but there are also tabaxi and firbolgs and ogres and fiends and fairies and rabbitfolk and mind flayers and yuan-ti and gith and kobolds. They all somehow live together peacefully.

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