Anthropathic Assimilation Virus (A.A.V.)
You're in for a really bad time, then a really good time.
A strange virus created by the goddess Sia that changes the genetic structure and soul of living beings to have higher capabilities from what they once were. Originally intended to be exclusive to beasts, Noyuu expanded on the virus' host capabilities to allow other living things to be bitten and improved.
Transmission & Vectors
- Blood
- Saliva
- Urine
- Fecal Matter
- Other Bodily Excretions
- All methods require intent to spread from the host
Being infected by a host is only way of obtaining this method. It's very rare to be 'accidentally' infected as the condition requires intent from the host. No other factors are necessary for the virus to spread.
Over the first few months, infected individuals may experience:
After the virus has adjusted the body to its peak form, the host will experience the following:
- Fever
- Vomiting
- Extreme Fatigue
- Headaches
- Exceptional Hunger
- Phantom Pains
- Chills
- Cough/Sneezing
- Depression
- Hallucinations
- Confusion
- Lack of concentration
- Hypervigilance
After the virus has adjusted the body to its peak form, the host will experience the following:
- Magical Capabilities if none were present before
- Increased lifespan
- Increased body growth over time (To an extent on sapients, beasts have no cap)
- Increased intellectual capacity (Drastic increase among creatures with a natural intellect of 4 and under, small in any above)
There is no known cure as of yet. The symptoms can be treated as they come, however the host has no choice but to wait it out. The effects of the magic can be temporarily nullified by means of magic and casting spells on yourself, but even Cure Disease cannot change what has been done as the virus as altered the very state of the body.
Don't interact with fecal matter you don't know the origins of, don't drink urine you don't know the origins of, wash daily, wash your hands, don't make enemies with the infected, and practice safe sex.
Cultural Reception
Carries of AAV's treatment entirely depends on what race is infected.
A beast is typically seen as normal and not unusual. An infected beast is typically considered of higher status than an average beast and typically respected-although they possibly receive less than a typical race due to their origins and ordinarily lesser understanding of societal standards.
Humans don't care. Melodians 50/50. Draenai don't care.
Any other race often views them as an outcast. Their bodies are altered from their original form, they are no longer pure.
An infected Shadowolf-nuke it.
Chronic, Acquired
Affected Species