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God of War Kalir (a.k.a. Orius)

All tales of Kalir paint him the same way; a selfish god obsessed with bloodshed. This is a fitting title for the god of war. A selfish being, Kalir would manipulate any and every situation into creating conflict thanks to his desire to prove his greatness. A brutal berserker, Kalir was known for getting lost in the "melody" of battle, stopping only when the earth was covered in corpses. His Blood Magic works well with this as each kill supplies him with more weaponry for his crimson arsenal.


Kalir's dagger

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Orius Constellation

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A warrior through and through, Kalir is incredibly fit, and lean as to improve his agility. He is flexible and can dodge virtually any attack during the heat of battle, especially whilst he is lost in the "music".

Body Features

Most of his body is peppered with thin self inflicted scars. These wounds were made during battle, as he would cut himself in order to draw blood for his magic. As his power improved and he learned to use his magic in a way that lets him heal his physical wounds, he opted to keep the scars as a reminder of his journey and sheer power and battle prowess.

Facial Features

Kalir's rugged beauty is well known amongst the gods, warranting him a lustful reputation. He is not only the breaker of nations but of peoples hearts.

Identifying Characteristics

As with any of the gods, Kalir's striking eyes are a marker of his godhood. Pure crimson and glowing with his otherworldly magic, they are the last thing prey sees before it is struck down by a predator.

Physical quirks

As a form of fidget, Kalir will often slice his palm with his dagger. It will usually have healed itself by the time the slice is complete.

Special abilities

Kalir originated Blood Magic in Machar.

Apparel & Accessories

Kalir wears the clothes of a warrior, often clad in ornate armor, he is always battle ready. His signature dagger sits sheathed at his hip, a blank slate for a variety of weaponry to form around it.

Specialized Equipment

Kalir's serrated dagger has thin channels allowing for him to store a small amount of blood. While this function is somewhat unimportant during battle, it allows him to create blood constructs early, catalyzing the inevitable blood bath that occurs when he is in battle.

Personality Characteristics


kalir seeks to create conflict and carnage wherever possible, regardless of how it will affect those around him.
Divine Classification
God of War
Current Status
Unknown following the Pantheon War
Unknown but likely eons old
Date of Birth
Circumstances of Birth
The birth of the gods is unknown and many have decided its better to leave it that way.
The realm of the gods
Current Residence
unknown but likely in the realm of the gods
Crimson, the shade of fresh blood and slightly luminescent. Eyes are serpent like and those of a predator playing with his food.
Short and dark and matching color to his eyes when the light hits it, like the other gods it moves as if he were underwater, floating around his head
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
darker olive skin, the same as desert dwellers
God of War
Known Languages
As a god of Machar, Kalir is well versed in all spoken languages.


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