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God of Earth Kio (a.k.a. Ursius)

Strong and Sturdy, Kio is an immovable wall, the very stone beneath all of humanities feet. Lighthearted, and friendly, Kio uses his abilities to control the earth and to protect those he loves. A craftsmen, who helped to forge the weapons of the gods, and arm soldiers during the Pantheon War, all turn to Kio when in need of support. Striking a mountain with your fist is insignificant, especially when the mountain could crush you with a wave of its fist.


Kio's Gauntlets, Kio's Forge, Kio's hammer.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The Ursius Contellation

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

A solid wall of muscle, Kio is immovable, a force of nature. His fists can shatter skulls, and his abilities to manipulate the earth and grow and manipulate plants makes him a deadly protector. Never one to initiate a fight, Kio waits until those he loves are in danger before unleashing the wrath of the earth upon his enemies. His fists are fast, and anyone unfortunate enough to meet them will surely lose their life.

Body Features

Kio's Hulking figure is adorned with gold that seems to melt into his skin along his body like godly vitiligo. He loved that his skin was marbled like the stone he wields and insisted that all who depict him include it in great detail. Plants often wind their way through his hair and down his back. He is incredibly strong as his days are often spent in the forge

Facial Features

His golden vitiligo affects his face less, but it's present. Kio is almost always smiling, and often spends time surrounded by humans who are drawn to his infectious joy.

Identifying Characteristics

As with any of the gods, Kio's striking eyes are a marker of his godhood. They are a glowing amber and swim with flecks of gold and green.

Physical quirks

His command over stone extends to metal, and when working with metal, he often burns himself as he lacks Kos's Fireproof ability.

Special abilities

Originator of Earth Magic, Kio can manipulate and wield the stone around him, metals, and plants. Anything born of the earth alone can be weaponized by him, and he often uses his abilities to create walls or protective barriers, diverting cavalry charges and breaking up front lines. He can manipulate metal while it is in its molten form, allowing him to forge mighty weapons. He can also imbue plants with his pure magic, causing sturdy items such as the wood from which he forged Amatsu's Bow.

Apparel & Accessories

Kio is generally dressed in a mix of armor and plants, all of which designed to accentuate his golden vitiligo. He also wields a pair of ornate gauntlets who can amplify his strength ten fold.

Specialized Equipment

Kio's signature gauntlets can cause vibrations which break up the earth and allow him to wield fractured stone much easier. This vibration also causes each punch to feel like 50, and deal equally as much damage. It is because of this that Kio often comes into battle to help defeat stronger foes, but otherwise plays a more supportive role.
Divine Classification
God of Earth
Current Status
Unknown following the Pantheon War
Honorary & Occupational Titles
God of Earth
Unkown but likely Eons old
Current Residence
Unknown following the Pantheon War
Brown eyes swim with light, flecks of green like the roots of a tree parting the earth beneath.
dark curls pile atop his handsome head
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Dark skin marbled like the stone of the earth but reminds you of burnt caramel which is warm and inviting to all who need a shoulder to lean on.
God of Earth


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