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Mukar'rib (Moo-Car-Reeb)

To the west of Machar lies the sprawling sands of Mukar'rib. Miles of open desert lay dotted with oasis's and small settlements, each one containing a tight-knit community closed off to outsiders. In order to traverse the dunes, travelers must board the mighty Sand Skiffs. Originally Kalir's nation, Mukar'rib, once called Bel'ar, has history that runs deep. Pressed beneath post war buildings remains traces of what once was the greatest military nation in Machar. The slaves of Mukar'rib still pray in secret to their blood god, hoping that one day he will return and free them from their shackles. Ruling over the mighty deserts with an iron grip is Queen Ak'shan Hadir whose cruelty is unmatched.   Mukar'rib's environment rivals its people in hostility. With unbearable heat during the day that melts the sand into glass, and winds that freeze any caught unprotected, Mukar'rib is not somewhere you travel to unprepared. Raging sandstorms tear flesh from bone as they dance across the horizon, and water is scarce. Should anyone attempt to travel on foot, they will surely perish.   In order to survive the ever changing climate, Mukar'ribians dress themselves in layers of thin fabrics that let in the breeze during the day and can be pulled in tight during the night. Nobles adorn themselves in fine Yu'Han silks and brilliant jewelry made by artisans wielding metal magic. The common people dress in colorful fabrics that allow them to ignore the blandly dressed slaves who make up the majority within most cities.   Long standing tensions between Queen Ak'shan Hadir and the glass desert are ready to erupt with Nio's government constantly resisting the slave empire in the hopes of creating a free territory. Between the immense heat and the skilled warriors who wield glass magic, the queendom is at a standstill, incapable of making the first move; stuck yearning to destroy any threats to her majesty   Just outside the city of Vakar lies the "Black Diamond" of the desert: the Reshi Mines. It is the only place in all of Machar that the precious metal Null can be found and is the core of Mukar'rib's economy.
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