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Lesser Races

One Happy, Estranged Family

While the term "Lesser Races" was coined by the ruling class of humans to encompass all non-human sentient species, these groups do not view each other or themselves as being second-class citizens. Each race holds themselves in high regard, often thinking of humans as their subpar counterparts. However, these views are typically generational and are beginning to blur with time.  


  Most closely related to Gnolls, the Gnathal species are easily characterized by their exaggerated animalistic appearances. The most common characteristics include, but are not limited to fur, scales, elongated teeth, and morphed pupils. The Gnathal's physical abilities are also highly developed, with them being able to run at speeds that rival those of a horse and jump as far as a deer. Additionally, their senses of smell and hearing are much more acute than those of humans, making it difficult for prey to escape them.   Gnathals have a complex social structure, with individuals living in small groups led by a single leader. This leader is typically the strongest and most dominant member of the group, and they are responsible for making decisions on behalf of the entire community.   The diet of a Gnathal is varied, as they are omnivorous and will eat anything that they can catch or find. However, their primary source of food is meat, and they are known to hunt down animals such as deer, and rabbits. The Gnathals' diet is not limited to just meat and vegetation. They are also known to consume a variety of other items, including fruits, nuts, and even bone. This diverse diet allows them to thrive in a variety of environments, making them one of the most adaptable species in the world.   In terms of reproduction, Gnathals are similar to humans in that they have sex organs and produce offspring. However, unlike humans, Gnathals are incapable of interspecies reproduction, even amongst other Gnathal ethnicities.   Overall, the Gnathal species is an interesting and unique blend of Human and animal traits. While their physical appearance may be off-putting to some, they are a vital part of the Goian ecosystem and play an important role in keeping the balance of nature in check.  


  The Goblinoids are a race of fierce warriors who inhabit the remote mountain ranges and deep forests of Goia. They are known for their immense size and strength, as well as their brutish nature. Goblinoids are a distinct species, with features that set them apart from other races.   Typically of large stature (with the exception of Goblins), with a stocky build and broad shoulders, Goblinoids can strike an imposing figure. Their skin is a deep green color, which helps them blend in with their natural environment. They have a thick layer of fat and muscle under their skin, which helps them withstand the harsh conditions of their surroundings.   Goblinoids are omnivores, eating both meat and plants. They hunt for their food, often using large hunting parties to overwhelm their prey. While hunting plays a large part in Goblinoid culture, they are also adept foragers and fishers. Their diet consists primarily of meat and protein, which helps them maintain their strength and endurance.   Socially, Goblinoids are a tribal people. They live in small communities, often led by a chief or chieftain. They are fiercely loyal to their tribe, and they will fight to defend it against any threats. They also have a strong sense of honor, and they believe in showing respect to those who show respect to them.   Overall, the Goblinoids are a unique race, with a distinct appearance and way of life. They are known for their strength and ferocity, but they also have a deep sense of honor and loyalty. They are a proud people, and they will defend their way of life against anyone who tries to take it from them but also celebrate anyone who respect their traditions.  


  The Elves of Goia are a race of beings that have lived in the forests for as long as anyone can remember. They are known for their exceptional beauty and grace, with features that are often described as ethereal and otherworldly. In terms of appearance, Elves are typically tall and slender, with pointed ears and delicate features. Their skin is usually pale, and their eyes are often a brilliant shade of green or blue. Their hair is also a defining feature, with many Elves sporting long, flowing locks in a variety of colors.   Elves are a distinct race in that they do not require much sleep, only resting for a few hours each day. They have a natural affinity for magic and are often found practicing spells, enchanting items, or deep in meditation. It is theorized that this deep connection to magic is what grants Elves their unnaturally long lives. Their diet consists of fruits, nuts, and vegetables, and they have a strong aversion to meat.   As a society, the Elves are known for their love of nature and their connection to the land. They are deeply attuned to the natural world, and they value harmony and balance above all else. They live in small communities within the forests, with each Elf having a distinct role to play in the community. Elves are also known for their fierce loyalty to their kin, and they will go to great lengths to protect those they care about. Despite their fierce nature, Elves are known for their kindness and generosity. They are fiercely protective of their forest home, and they are known for helping those in need. They also have a deep respect for nature and are known for their love of animals and plants.   In terms of their place in Goia's history, the Elves have played a significant role. They played a crucial role in helping to restore balance and harmony to the land after the Ten Thousand Year War. Today, the Elves are still an integral part of Goia's society, with their unique skills and abilities providing a valuable contribution to the overall well-being of the land.
"You call us 'Lesser' but there is nothing more pathetic than a human. Struggling to live against their own kind, just to die in sixty years."
  -Lash Knappa
Genetic Ancestor(s)


  • Feline
  • Canine
  • Reptilian
  • Avian
  • Orc
  • Goblin
  • Hobgoblin
  • Shadar-Kai
  • Aasimar


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