Ajur'shul: The Hollow Hunger (ô-zh′oo͞r-shoo͞l)

The pungent odor of filth and decay mixed with a heady sweet smoke wafting through the air. From her refuse-strewn mattress in the dimly-lit corner, Saffiya's gaze lingered slightly out of focus at something that wasn't truly there. Her fingers ran absently back and forth along the length of her threadbare, faded green tunic. Her eyelids closed slightly, remembering something with an empty half-smile. Her voice cracked from disuse as she spoke aloud to the empty air.   "It was so pretty once."   She couldn't recall the last time she'd eaten anything of substance. She held out her hand, head lolling slightly to one side as she stared at her slender fingers.   No shakes. Small blessings. Though it was only a matter of time before the tremors began again.   By the diffuse grey light filtering through the perpetually stained windows of her dilapidated dwelling she could tell is was midday, though she'd long ago lost track of which particular day. To make matters worse, she didn't particularly care.   She lifted the lid of the broken earthen jar, but found it devoid of anything of note.   There was only one thing that mattered now; only one thing that would keep the gnawing pain and the bone-chilling cold at bay. How to pay for the next dose. She'd sold practically everything to her name save the dirty mattress beneath her legs and the long green tunic her husband had given her before he left.   "Left? No," She chuckled sarcastically to herself. "Abandoned."   He'd given up on her. Given up on them. On their life. On the promises he'd made. He blamed her habit. Warned that it would ruin her. Said he couldn't watch her do this to herself any longer. He didn't understand.   A shiver ran up her spine, cutting her to the core as a single tear rolled down her pale cheek.   Such is the plight of the luckiest of those who fall into the grip of ajur'shul.


Across the realm an epidemic unlike any in the history of the world mercilessly ravages the nations without regard for age or race or creed. In the smallest of villas to the grandest of halls, the sickness known as ajur'shul - colloquially known as The Hollow Hunger - permeates the very bones of our society without limits. And yet the most tragic aspect of this disease: its willful worship by its victims.   You see, The Hollow Hunger is an addiction; An addiction to a dwarven drug known as ajur'shul. The deplorable dwarven house of Vogrem has spent years perfecting its highly guarded concoction meant to fill their coffers from the blood of the masses.  

First Age

  Of course such things were banned under the emperor, but like cockroaches Vogrem dwarves still managed to ply their trade from the shadows of their evergreen torchlight. The Hunger was less understood in those days, yet the drug was still easily accessible within the highest circles of the elite, and the lowest corners of every brothel. Ajur'shul was the worst kept secret of the Empire. And yet Vogrem dwarves paid generous taxes to the empire. Thus it was another means by which the emperor could keep the people in line.

Second Age

  But now, since the collapse of the Empire and the granting of dwarven sovereignty by the Thee'nor Accord, the prevalence of ajur'shul has become something completely different. No longer restrained by fear of reprisal and pockets brimming with coin, the Vogrem dwarves have expanded their production network exponentially. Backed by the overland and sea logistical dominance of House Gaaren and the Saltcutter's Guild, the reach of the drug seems to have no limits.   This epidemic has been particularly hard on the elves, abuse exacerbated by the massive overcrowding lack of adequate jobs, food, money, and resources in the remnants of the empire. Crime rates in the populous cities such as Khalismyr have skyrocketed as the hopeless throngs seek escape from the reality of the world in which they live.


The Hunger itself is not contagious. It is a disease of the mind beginning when one chooses to drink the euphoria-inducing drug ajur'shul. Continued use over time results in diminished levels and duration of euphoria, requiring increased volumes of the drug more frequently in order to achieve previous highs.  


In addition to euphoria, the influence of ajur'shul is reported to suppress the appetite. While the appetite dwindles, the body and mind come to increasingly crave the drug to the exclusion of nearly anything else. It becomes more and more difficult to think about anything other then when, and where, and how to obtain more of the drug. As dependency increases, addicts often cease eating altogether resulting in malnourishment and in many cases, death. This is where the disease earns its name.   When unable to obtain the drug, the true horrors of The Hunger begin to manifest in the form of volatile mood swings from deep depression to outright anger. Inability to sleep and increasing levels of agitation are common symptoms. Physically, those suffering from The Hunger report feeling constantly cold, eternally nauseous, and plagued with violent and painful tremors.

Chronic, Acquired

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Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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Aug 5, 2024 09:38 by Secere Laetes

I can understand why the article has become so dear to your heart. The description at the beginning is extremely vivid and shows what happens to people who succumb to this hunger. The picture is wonderfully harmonised with this - or the other way around, depending on what came first. Above all, the woman's gaze really fits.   Your descriptions also sound very much like drug addiction - which is what it is. The way you've integrated it into your world also sounds extremely logical.   What would have interested me is whether there are ways out. Whether anyone succeeds without help, how it works, etc. Since it's probably hardly possible, it probably wouldn't have done any harm to the oppressive mood. But we were in the summer camp, which we shouldn't forget. You can't always write everything. In that sense, a really nice article.

Aug 17, 2024 12:47

Thank you so much Secere for taking the time to review and comment. I will have to think about the “methods” the peoples of the world have invented to help pull their loved ones out of this deep addiction.

Now playing: Mystember. Coming Soon: The Longest Journey.   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Aug 16, 2024 09:53

Well, Secere already said most of the things I was going to say. The introduction gripped me instantly and the whole article gave me a feeling of dread for the victims. With that being said, this was one of my favorites of yours and I picked it for my reading challenge .

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 17, 2024 12:49

I’m so appreciative of you, Tyrdal. You were the one who challenged me to humanize the disease in order to add depth and emotion. It’s one of my favorite from Summer Camp as well. Thanks for featuring it in your reading challenge!

Now playing: Mystember. Coming Soon: The Longest Journey.   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!
Aug 25, 2024 04:02 by Marjorie Ariel

This reminds me of the British opium trade in China.

Aug 25, 2024 12:53

Thanks barriesaxxy. That's definitely the kind of vibe I was going for.

Now playing: Mystember. Coming Soon: The Longest Journey.   Ironsworn RPG Actual Play Fiction: Tales of the Inner Council!