Episode 2: The Ovghary Chest


Gulf of Vyndria, Kingdom of Al'jymoor

Six days had passed since the crew of the Sin'glyyd Selash set East across the Gulf of Vyndria from Ag'yajiri port bearing Cassian Inglewood and his mysterious cargo. They had largely hugged close to the Kingdom of Al'jymoor's Southern coastline, enjoying favorable winds and weather. Having never been on a sailing ship, Cassian spent most of his time wandering the deck, watching and listening to Captain Kryvat's boisterous crew. Though they were different races, even a handful of the kynekin animal folk, and clearly hailed from many different backgrounds, there was a deep bond amongst them that left Cassian envious. His family had moved around extensively during his youth, complicating attempts to forge any kind of lasting friendship.   Turning Southward as they rounded the Cape at Pyndhab Point, the relatively calm waters of the Gulf gave way to the turbulent swells of the open ocean. Cassian, unable to sleep, found himself at the starboard rail of the ship, studying the looming weathered stone tower rising from the Point under the starlight. At its height a brilliant copper beacon flared with unnatural light back-lighting a half dozen armored silhouettes.   "You ever seen a watchtower beacon," questioned Mwangi, the ship's master-at-arms.   Cassian shook his head. "How does it work?"   "Don't know," Mwangi shrugged with a smirk. "They say it's old Imperial magic. The beacon never goes out and helps ships navigate the Cape."   "Are there always so many standing guard?"   "Six, to be exact" Mwangi nodded. "It's supposed to be some grand honor to be chosen to serve the new Emperor in this way. They say no one else goes there."   "Why's that?"   "After the war the people of Northern Tahlerun broke off, swearing fealty to the new Emperor in Al'jymoor. In response, Tahlerun closed their land border and refuse to offer trade or allow passage. So the only ways in or out are by water."   "Terrible way to live," muttered one of the crew in passing. "Tied to one place. Going nowhere. Never seeing no-one new."   "And what do they do for women," piped up another.   "Get back to work," shouted Captain Kryvat from the raised deck at the stern of the ship.   "I hear Captain's got a cousin stationed there," Mwangi whispered as he turned back to his duties.
The Longest Journey Map by Azgaar's Fantasy Maps
What follows is an Ironsworn RPG solo session. My notes will generally be captured in the form of: Character Initials: action
  • six-sider/ten-sider/ten-sider-result(Strong, Weak, Miss)
  • Effect

  • Actual Play
    Charted Course: Ag'yajiri to Ovghary (10-15 days)
  • 4 segments
  • CI: Set course (Port>Cape)
  • 10/4/6-S+1M
  • Situation: Arrive community
  • CI: Set course (Cape>Bay)
  • 9/1/7-S+1M
  • Situation: Share honor
  • CI: Set course (Bay>River) -10/3/10-W-Complication
  • Situation: Clash mysticism
  • CI: Compel Mwangi (+heart)
  • 5/3/5-W+1M-Counter

  • An entry for:
    The longest journey - Chapter two
    Generic article | Oct 16, 2024

    Manijave Bay, Kingdom of Tahlerun

    For another seven days they continued South against stiff headwinds, leaving behind Al'jymoor for the Kingdom of Tahlerun, whose people did not recognize the authority of the new Empire. Upon reaching Manijave Bay, they turned inland, making for a small river on the Northwestern side.   "Sails ahead. Two ships," called the watcher from high in the crow's nest.   "Colors?" bellowed the master-at-arms.  
    Khudrohara Banner
    "Orange and red checked," came the response. "Silver sunburst at the center. A silver harp and helm mark opposite corners."   The somber tune of a lone elven piper carried across the expanse of water between them and with it, much to the crew’s horror, the wind died down and the ship lost all forward momentum.   "Dammit," sighed Captain Kryvat, meeting Mwangi's eyes. "Khudrohara."   Cassian looked back and forth between the two. "What’s going on? What's wrong? What's Khudrohara?"   "Not what," corrected Mwangi. "Who. They're a group of old Imperial mage-sailors who pride themselves on 'protecting' the waters surrounding Tahlerun from agents of the new Empire. Though in practice they're more pirate than protector."   "Prepare the ship to be boarded," commanded Kryvat to resounding shouts of "Aye Captain," from the crew.   Grabbing Cassian's arm, Mwangi leaned in. "Whatever you do, don't lie when they question you."   Cassian flashed a smile. "I can actually be quite convincing, when I need to."   But Mwangi was in no mood for games. His grip tightened to the edge of being uncomfortable. "Were you not listening?,” he threatened. ”The Khudrohara wield old magicks and would just as soon toss your corpse in the bay as let you into Tahlerun.”   “I like my odds,” Cassian whispered confidently.   “You actually believe that, don't you? Start any trouble, and I’ll hand you over to them myself. Consider yourself warned. ” Mwangi shouldered Cassian out of the way and set upon preparing the ship for their uninvited guests.   It was only a short time before the two elven ships closed the distance. While he didn't know much about ship design, Cassian could tell they were outfitted for battle and guessed they were half again as big as the Selash. The first drifted to an angled stop off the ships starboard bow, ballistas on its bow and stern turned to face them like a wolf bearing its fangs.   Kryvat's crew lined the deck, watching with trepidation as the second ship pulled along the port side of their own. Unlike the Selash, the newcomer's crew was comprised solely of elves – no humans, dwarves, or kynekin - with both pale and tan skinned elves in equal numbers.   Cassian studied the so called "Khudrohara" as they boarded. He knew the type. It was clear from their swagger they were accustom to getting their way. While disappointing, it was no surprise when the crew pointed Cassian and his five secret chests out.   "Captain... Assad, was it," Cassian interjected. Mwangi shot him a scowl that could kill. "Might I have a word... In private?" He shot a smile back at the master-at-arms.   The two retreated to the Captain's chambers, much to Kryvat's dismay, where Cassian proceeded to help them both to the fine spirits stored in the cabinets therein. After several tense minutes, the two emerged, with the foreign captain announcing to all present:   "We're taking one chest, and this vessel will be departing Manijave Bay, immediately." The foreign captain scowled in disgust at Kryvat.   As soon as the wind returned to their sails, the crew of the Sin'glyyd Selash hastily brought the ship about. With the orange and red checkered flags of the Khudrohara ships growing smaller behind them, Mwangi sought Cassian out.
    Actual Play
    Situation: Abandon Deception
    CI: Face Danger (+wits)
  • 8/4/9-W-1 Safety
  • CI: Compel (+shadow)
  • Scoundrel +2
  • 9/5/7-S+1M

  • Ship's Galley, Sin'glyyd Selash

    The muscular, dark-skinned master-at-arms tracked their passenger down in the ship's galley, seated on one of the shorter wooden tables in a corner with bench seats. He was eating some kind of less-than-pleasant smelling grey fish soup the cook had prepared for the evening.   Without looking up from his bowl, Cassian sighed audibly at the shadow standing over him and motioned to the bench opposite his own. Mwangi took a seat, folded his hands on the table.   "You lost one of your chests."   "Not quite," Cassian countered, with a raised eyebrow. "Lost would mean I don't know where it is. I know exactly where it is."   "You're lucky that’s all they took."   Cassian chuckled and shook his head slightly. "Luck had nothing to do with it. I simply made an arrangement."   Skepticism played across Mwangi's face. "What kind of arrangement?"   "They wanted us gone. I needed that chest delivered to a specific person."   "A specific person in Ovghary, then? That's why we were headed there?"   Cassian nodded.   "Are you saying the Khudrohara agreed to deliver that chest for you? Just like that?"   Cassian nodded again, either unwilling or unable to hide his wide and arrogant smile.   "Who are you," questioned Mwangi.   "Just a simple courier with a job to do, my good man. Now," he shifted, pushing the empty bowl away, "if we're done with my interrogation, how about you teach me this game of dice I've seen your men playing? We still have a very long way to go."   Mwangi leaned back against the wall, arms crossed, shaking his head in disbelief. Cassian was right. There was still a long journey ahead. Perhaps there was more than enough time for the master-at-arms to discover the truth about their mysterious passenger.
    Actual Play
    CI: Compel (+shadow)
  • 10/2/7-S+4M
  • CI: Deliver the Chests
  • Progress: 4/10

  • Cover image: by Manne1409 + Dream by WOMBO


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