The Ritual of Purification

The Temple Superior, a member of the branch of Seers, gently swung the platinum-colored censer to and fro as he stepped softly along the triangle-shaped chalk outline on the floor. His footsteps echoed off the stone chamber walls, a crashing symbol in an otherwise silent space. In the center of the triangle, bearing the hallmark navy and gray garments of a Solider of the elven Order of Salijarna knelt a young, armed and armored warrior. Smoke billowed from the Seer's censer, leaving a sweet, heady incense drifting lazily in the air. With such poor ventilation, the stagnant, low stone chamber began to fill. Even now Knight Menes' eyes were starting to sting, yet the formal ritual of purification had not even begun.


It was in the early days of the First Age, nearly a millennium ago, when the fledgling Order of Salijarna began practicing the the Ritual of Purification. A means for Soldiers of the Order to prepare for the mental and emotional challenges of their secretive duties, the ritual is said to aid the "seeker" in cleansing their mind of fear and doubt. Over time, as the Order expanded and leadership changed hands under various Archons, the ritual was revealed to the general populous. Some claim this was a means of softening the Order's image, seeking to garner good will and support. Skeptics cite the fact the ritual can only be performed by a Seer of the Order as a clear indication this was nothing more than another means by the Empire could maintain control and influence over the people.  



The Ritual of Purification may be performed on almost any reasonably flat, dry surface, though most Seers frown upon performing the ritual anywhere but in a temple of the Order.


Purification rituals can be performed any time a seeker desires, provided a Seer is both available and willing to do so.


Triangle: An area of protection within and around the mind.
Censer: The mind of the seeker, filled with its many thoughts.
Incense: The enticing scent of temptation, threatening to draw one away from their task.
Smoke: Fear, doubt, negativity, and all of the things needing to be expelled.

Order of Worship

The Preparation

The Ritual begins with the seeker clearing an area approximately five feet in diameter of any items and debris. Next, the Seer carefully draws within the circle a triangle of chalk. Order instructions state the triangle should have three equidistant sides of approximately four feet long. The seeker should proceed to the center of the triangle, being careful not to disturb the chalk outline, and kneel. Once there, the seeker should begin breathing deeply, meditating on the tasks that lies before them, and clearing their mind of distractions.  

The Declaration

The remainder of the ritual involves a call and response between the Seer and the participants.   Seer: Are you ready?
Seeker: My mind is still.
Seer: Then let us begin.
  The Seer lights the incense in their censer and slowly walks clockwise around the triangle, gently swinging the censer back and forth to ellicit scented smoke to fill the ritual area. After three passes around the triangle, the Seer halts at the point of the triangle facing the seeker.   Seer: What is your task?
Seeker: <Proclaims the task set before them>

The Dissent

  Seer: The voices of dissent surround you.
Seeker: I shall hear them.
  The Seer makes another three passes around the triangle, this time moving counter-clockwise. As they reach each of the two corners behind the seeker, they will halt and whisper a series of derogatory and discouraging statements tailored to the Seeker’s task. In this phase of the Ritual, the Seer represents all of the voices attacking the seeker’s mind, heart, and conviction.   For each pass, the Seeker responds to the verbal attacks with the following:   Seeker (1st Pass): Yours is the voice of lies. You shall not dissuade me from my task.
Seeker (2nd Pass): I am stronger than your lies, and nothing shall stand in my way.
Seeker (3rd Pass): I have given myself wholly unto this task, mind and body. No power seen or unseen can stop me.
  Upon reaching the point of the triangle facing the seeker after the third pass of dissent, the Seer sets down the censer and allows the smoke - representing the expelled fears and doubts of the seeker - to hang in the air for several minutes before continuing.  

The Conclusion

Seer: Have you expelled all doubt?
Seeker: I have.
Seer: Fear?
Seeker: I have.
Seer: Uncertainty?
Seeker: I have. My mind and heart are ready.
Seer: Then rise. Leave this place and fulfill your task.
  The seeker rises and carefully exits the chalk triangle, setting forth on their chosen task lighter of spirit and focused of purpose, bringing the ritual to its conclusion.

  • 2 hours

  • Components
  • Censer
  • Incense
  • Chalk

  • Participants/Roles (2+)
  • A Seer to lead
  • The individual(s) seeking purification

  • Related Organizations
  • Order of Salijarna

  • Related Species
  • Elves
  • The Seer's Censer by dream by WOMBO
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    Generic article | Jul 31, 2024

    Cover image: by dream by WOMBO


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    Jul 22, 2024 08:58 by Ephraïm Boateng

    This is really cool!

    Jul 22, 2024 10:31

    Thank you!

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